That’s just Tim Walz

That’s just Tim Walz

Posted by Captain_Wisconsin

  1. He was probably like, “I’ll just go out and hunt you a new one. Heck, why don’t you come with me? No use working inside on a beautiful day like this!”

  2. He pointed out that Turkey belongs in the Vegetable section, and they were so embarrassed they gave him one.

  3. He probably cooked it and a whole meal and took it all down to the nursing home and fed everyone dinner then hosted bingo night.

  4. I heard Walz told the entire grocery store to listen up and take a knee. The pep talk that followed inspired the donation of all of the store’s turkeys to the hungry children at his school.

  5. He’s got that dad energy. He got told no by the store, realized he was being fucked with, bought a turkey, and told everyone the coupon cleared so they’d stratch their heads forever. Worth 40 bucks.

  6. I’m going to believe it because it seems like something he would and could do. Any idea where this comes from?

  7. When I had a flat tire in the middle of winter Tim Walz changed my tire and told me something that changed my life.

  8. This is the true “Art of the Deal” people. This man is truly the best at negotiating. The very best, as a matter of fact, one time, people, one time, this big strong man, he came to me, TEARS, TEARS streaming down his face and he says, he says to me, “Walz is the best at negotiating, the very best, no one knows how he does, he does it like no body else. Make this man VP tomorrow.” So I did, that’s what I’m gonna do folks.

  9. This almost sounds like a Chuck Norris joke with the emphasis on wholesomeness.

  10. I remember when those fake coupons for free energy drinks were going around. My dumb ass thought they were real and went to few local grocery stores and was able to get 3 24 cans of monster/rockstar drinks until the last location told me those were fake.

  11. Republicans replan their idea to embarrass Walz with a fake document detailing a permanent ceasefire and mutually beneficial two state solution between Israel and Palestine

    “Look, it would probably not work in his favour, but you never know….”

  12. He left with a free turkey. How was he able to pull that off? He didn’t. The turkey escaped and they just happened to leave at the same time.

  13. #MAGA’s are going to hear about this and now he’s going to be known as a Turkey stealer. Which will then get to newsmaxx and morph into “Tim Waltz, Turkey fornicator.” Which OAN will pick up and spread around that Tim identifies as a Turkey.

    Just you wait and see

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