Conservatives Get Brutal Reminder After Crying Foul At Tim Walz’s JD Vance ‘Couch’ Joke

Conservatives Get Brutal Reminder After Crying Foul At Tim Walz’s JD Vance ‘Couch’ Joke

Posted by Blue_Wave2024

  1. If you’re backing a sofa enthusiast for Vice President, it’s pretty clear you’ve got the political judgment of a rubber chicken. Seriously, thinking a couch lover can handle national leadership is like appointing a houseplant as Secretary of State. Maybe take a moment to consider if your decision-making skills are as outdated as your taste in candidates.

  2. It could be worse. At least no one is making comments about JD’s pencil neck.

  3. R:

    “Crooked Hillary!”

    “Sleepy Joe!”


    Hahahahahahaa so funny, our guy is so good!


    “Dude’s book says something about him fucking a couch? That’s kind of weird….”


    “SO immature! Name calling! I thought you were better… WWAAAAAAHHHH MY FEELINGS YOU HAVE NO RESPECT!”

  4. MAGA rule #21; Only one person is allowed to Insult with impunity, regardless of political affiliation….the Padron L’Orange!

  5. That was the point. “See what i did there?”..

    Fuck these MAGA people are so daft.

  6. After all the fucked up shit they have been spewing for decades, they have the audacity to get this fragile now that it’s coming back around. It is wild how pathetic the Genital Obsessed Party has gotten

  7. The thing is…he just doesn’t look like someone who hasn’t popped a couch cherry

  8. I think JayDee looks very pretty with their eyeliner and fake lashes. Also Usha looks like a good mom even though she is not white. Most important thing is that she accepts and loves JayDee for who they are.

  9. What I want to know is: was the couch even made in America? Let’s see it’s birth certificate!

  10. I can show you on zero hands precisely how many fucks I give about their hurt feelings.

    I would suggest calling out the sheer hypocrisy to their faces but I don’t have much faith that most of them even know what that word means.

  11. So republicans claim that all trans people are pedophiles, but Walz mentions Vance getting off the couch and now they’re losing their minds? Got it.

  12. Now they care about facts and accuracy?lol

    That’s the thing about these guys, they’re bullies they love fights where they think there’s no chance they’ll win. They’ve gotten this far because democrats haven’t been willing to use their own tactics against them.

    When your party’s survival and America as a democracy where the rule of law applies to everyone is at stake, you do whatever you need to do to protect the country and the lives of the millions of Americans who have been told by the maga movement that they do not belong and should have their rights stripped away.

  13. Donald Trump has repeatedly joked about Nancy Pelosi‘s husband almost being murdered in a hammer attack.

  14. It’s like the bully in A Christmas Story finally pushing the nerd too far.

  15. Honestly I’d rather all Maga cultists fuck their couches as opposed to actually reproducing.

  16. When I was in my early teens, the neighborhood bully challenged me to a fight. I was the quiet nerdy type. I had a conversation with my father about what to do, and my father gave me advice. The day of the fight came and the bully put up his hands and I put up mine like I was gonna try to punch him in the face, but instead I planted my foot in his crotch so deep that he threw up. That was the end of my problem with the neighborhood bully. Trump needs to be verbally kicked in the crotch, hard and maybe the Democratic candidates have the right size shoe.

  17. It’s fine with me if it’s not something he wrote in his book. The reality is they’re getting a taste of their own medicine and it shows just how ineffectual they are as leaders if they spend the whole campaign focused on proving how not weird they are and how he didn’t have intercourse with a love seat

  18. This dude if bronzo the clown can claim the 3 million illegals voted for Hillary, then JD hog, errer Vance 100 percent fucked a couch.

  19. Do I think JD double chin Vance fucked a couch? Probably not.

    Do I think he seems like the kind of weirdo that would? Absolutely.

  20. They say it’s been debunked, but people are still saying it. A lot of people. The very best people. The other day a man, a very strong man, walked up to me with tears in his eyes and he said “Sir…JD Vance f#cked a couch”.

  21. Lol they bully and name call and hurt ppl, but then when it happens right back they play victim! These ppl are turds 💩

  22. Welcome to the Streisand effect.

    If they said nothing Walz’ comment is completely Bening. Now people are going to ask wtf is the problem

  23. The delivery of that joke was so subtle, yet stinging it was genius. All MAGA can do is hurl childish insults like children.

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