Trump’s Recent Speeches Suggest, ‘There’s reasonable evidence suggestive of forms of dementia,’ – Says Clinical Psychologist That Performed Cognitive Assessments for the New York Supreme Court

Trump’s Recent Speeches Suggest, ‘There’s reasonable evidence suggestive of forms of dementia,’ – Says Clinical Psychologist That Performed Cognitive Assessments for the New York Supreme Court

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. As per [original article]( 📰:

    – Donald Trump has been losing his train of thought more frequently during speeches and other remarks, and cognitive experts suspect [something’s wrong](

    Both the former president and current president Joe Biden have undergone public scrutiny over their mental fitness, to the point where Biden ended his re-election campaign, and STAT [conducted a follow-up analysis]( to a 2017 [examination]( of Trump’s speaking style and found even further reduction in his linguistic complexity.

    “At STAT’s request, four experts reviewed four clips of Trump’s speeches in recent months, and compared them to speeches from 2017,” the publication reported. “Several noticed Trump’s 2024 speeches included more short sentences, confused word order, and repetition, alongside extended digressions such as Trump’s comments on Biden and Cary Grant, or in another speech, comments on banking abruptly giving way to Trump lamenting the cost of electric cars.”

    “These could be attributed to a variety of possible causes, they said, some benign and others more worrisome,” the report added. “They include mood changes, a desire to appeal to certain audiences, natural aging, or the beginnings of a cognitive condition like Alzheimer’s disease.”

    Social psychologist James Pennebaker, of the University of Texas at Austin, performed a more formal analysis based on complete transcripts of Trump interviews since 2015 using statistical software to track word use in detail to highlight changes in his speaking style, and while he wasn’t prepared to submit his findings to an academic journal, he noticed a significant difference.

    “Since the end of Trump’s presidency in 2021, Pennebaker’s analysis showed a steep increase in ‘all-or-nothing thinking,’ as indicated by a roughly 60 percent increase in use of absolute terms like ‘always,’ ‘never,’ and ‘completely,’” STAT reported. “This habit, Pennebaker said, can be a sign of depression, which also fits with other changes in Trump’s word choices: His dialogue now has far fewer positive words than previously, and includes more references to negative emotions, especially since his return to civilian life.”

    Increased all-or-nothing thinking can also reveal changes in cognitive ability, and Pennebaker said sharp increases like he saw in Trump are often associated with cognitive decline.

    “Another person who’s all-or-nothing thinking has gone up is Biden,” Pennebaker added.

    Ben Michaelis, a clinical psychologist who has carried out cognitive assessments for the New York Supreme Court, previously reviewed Trump’s speaking style seven years ago and found he lost his train of thought and digressed from topics more frequently, which can reveal diminished cognitive ability.

    “There’s reasonable evidence suggestive of forms of dementia,” Michaelis said. “The reduction in complexity of sentences and vocabulary does lead you to a certain picture of cognitive diminishment.”

  2. One must certainly question the quality of education in those regions that persist in supporting Donald Trump. Their failure to recognize him as a manifest and imminent threat to the well-being of every American is most troubling.

    Might this be the inevitable outcome of a society where practices such as child marriage and other forms of moral neglect have long gone uncorrected?

  3. 78 years is just far too old for someone to run as president. Imagine the drool that will be dripping from his mouth in two or three years. Jesus!

  4. God this has been happening and obvious for Years! And the guy is just stupid on top of everything else.

  5. You don’t need to be a doctor to see it. You just need to break free of the cult.

  6. By the way those cognitive tests Trump has bragged about “acing” are screening for dementia and have questions like please draw a clock. Taking them in the first place…. It’s a bad sign. 

  7. It’d be respectable to bow out due to early onset medical issues. He’s losing regardless, and this would be a softer exit… but alas, that ego will never allow it. Even when compromised by creeping dementia, he can’t let go. He needs his fandom more than anything.

  8. I think he is going to go down the deep end very soon. He is seeing the world through a more and more tinted lens. Eventually he’s not going to be able to see at all. Personally I think he’s going to be walking along one day soon and just grab his chest and drop like a stone…dead as a doornail. One can only hope.

  9. Anyone got that meme of Nicolas Cage looking crazed and going, “Ya Don’t Say?” Now would be a good time to whip that out

  10. This isn’t news. Listen to any of his disjointed word salad speeches from the beginning.

  11. Why aren’t his kids pulling him off the stage? What an embarrassing man.

  12. Here’s the downside – will the DOJ or State justices put a person with dementia in prison.

  13. He used to sleep through cabinet meetings. Daily reports had to be dumbed down so he could understand them. He fucking saluted a North Korean general. The entire UN laughed at him when he spoke in front of them. He rambles about the late great Hannibal Lecter, windmills, and sharks. Once called his own MAGA Speaker of the House Kevin Mccarthy “Steve” at a press briefing. Thought Nikki Haley was in charge of the troop support on Jam 6th. He’s a complete moron.

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