Then let’s get Kamala elected!!!

Then let’s get Kamala elected!!!

Posted by semaforic

  1. I thought they wanted to verify all the athletes were packing the same equipment they were born with?

  2. “Just tell them not to look at it” good enough for forcing religion in schools, good enough to not see it on tv.

  3. Yup. Potus is in charge of the olympics. Everyone knows this. She will also issue an executive order making everyone a Furby or some shit.

  4. I mean… It is traditional, he says, so it should be better than that liberal crap he opposes, right? Traditionalism FTW and so on

  5. In the new games, can you GRAB HIS DICK AND TWIST IT like that one guy recommends?

  6. I’m already going to vote for her, bro, you don’t have to keep trying to convince me.

  7. Which kind of olympic sport would be worst to perform naked? Beachvolley? fencing?

  8. That’s quite a picture he’s painting. He’s clearly put a lot of thought into it.

  9. Somehow that’s more hetero, actually.

    And think of all the money we’ll save on steroid testing

  10. TLDR: Christian Televangelist thinks a lot about testicles being rubbed in faces.

  11. Halfway Post is satire and most of the comments are acting like it’s real.

    This is as embarrassing as the conservatives who eat the onion or post Babylon Bee shit.

  12. Their sick obsession with sexual acts is really troubling. Is this what he does in secret?

  13. When you have to invent fake stuff to make your followers mad about the opposition, the opposition is winning, and also not that bad. If there was actually anything bad to talk about, they’d talk about that instead.

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