Hillary Clinton Perfectly Thanks Team Trump For Attacking Walz As ‘Tampon Tim’

Hillary Clinton Perfectly Thanks Team Trump For Attacking Walz As ‘Tampon Tim’


Posted by Blue_Wave2024

  1. This nickname brought to you by the same folks who take offense at being called weird.

  2. I love that the worst thing they can come up with to attack this wholesome family man is that he is providing free stuff to children (meals, sanitary products, etc.)

  3. It’s crazy that Jesus and Santa Claus would be proud of Tim, but the biggest fans of both of those figures hate Tim, who could the problem be with, I wonder? It’s not Jesus and Santa, lol, it’s not Tim because again Jesus and Santa would love him for doing what he’s doing, …hmm… weird.

  4. Isnt one of Tim Walz’s best quotes “so you think im the bad one for giving kids free lunches?” Or something like that? He’s a good guy

  5. This is coming from the ticket where the nominee wore a panty liner on his ear and the VP sticks it in couches? 🤣

  6. The Republican Party’s hatred of women is becoming its most salient feature.

  7. It’s just astonishing how much this country–particularly conservatives–hate women, and will go out of their way to obstruct their access to health care.

  8. Hillary needs to sit down and shut the fuck up. Her kind of help is no help.

  9. Ope, was it a secret that women menstruate? Is that what the GOP was trying to keep undercover? I’m just curious why they poke fun at this it makes them look stupid

  10. Someone who cares about females should be the MINIMUM standard for one to hold high office. To think that this should preclude them make me weep as a human being

  11. You know what we call people who live in Tampa? – Tampons. I thought he from Minnesota. /s

  12. Even in my most Conservative days… which was a different kind of conservatism back then… I always thought it was just dumb NOT to provide feminine hygiene stuff.

    It makes no sense not to. Cheap, easy fix. And if we have room in the budget, a little cramp relief meds readily made available from a competent professional who can evaluate allergies, might be a good idea. I’m told the cramps are a nightmare.

  13. Good points, but seriously, Hillary needs to sit this one out. She’s so universally unliked that Trump’s first term was her fault.

  14. Can Hillary just do the Democratic party a favor and stay out of this one.

  15. Hillary PLEASE just sit on the sidelines for this one. There is no way for you to impact this election in any positive way.

  16. Someone should let the Trump Team know that middle schoolers can’t vote.

  17. I NEED him to fill his pockets with Harris/Waltz branded tampons and throw them to the crowd as he walks out.

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