Low Energy Trump

Low Energy Trump

Posted by Gates9

  1. You can just sense the amount of undermoob sweat oozing out of Trump in that photo.

  2. Why is he campaigning so much less and smaller and weaker and more badly than Kamala? I mean I don’t know why he’s doing that, it’s not what I would do but this is really bad for him I think. Some people are saying it’s the worst campaign they’ve ever seen, it’s really terrible and they’re saying to me “this guy he’s just very weird and nasty and we don’t like him”, so you know that’s just what I’m hearing…Is he stupid?

  3. Attorney demands and cheating at golf take up a bunch time. That, and being a great husband and father. NOT!

  4. I hope he’s become disillusioned and is accepting his fate will be prison or fleeing to Russia 

  5. He’s got a lot of obligations coming up in September with sentencing and Jan 6 evidence hearings

    Low energy Trump better get a move on

  6. I think there might be a mental health crisis going on right now. It’s not like Trump to disappear like this when someone else is taking all of his media. Nothing makes him crazier than somebody else getting more attention than him. Ordinarily he self-soothes his narcissism with his never ending MAGA rallies. He’s got Vance out on his own with no rudder at all. I wonder if the rallies aren’t working anymore. Those overstuffed Kamala rallies are reminding him of Obama again. It’s the kind of genuine popularity that he’ll never have. His own rallies might not be working to soothe him if Kamala’s are so much bigger. Narcissistic collapse might be finally setting in.

  7. Hey now, he is feeling some feelings and needs to take some time. You know… like 3 months from the presidential election, a totally normal time for a nominee to take a break

  8. This looks like the schedule of a dude who was coasting after the debate.

    If its still like this in a couple weeks, I’d be stunned

  9. I’m looking forward to his next rally.

    There will be some new material added to his greatest hits.


    How does he explain to his audience that things have dramatically turned.

    Must discredit the very same polls he was boasting about just a month ago.

  10. There are literally 1.1 million people in all of Montana, and they are spread out. Dallas has 1.3 million people in it.

  11. You have to cut him some slack.

    He’s the oldest candidate ever and isn’t all that suitable for the role.

  12. MAGA will see this like “He doesn’t need to campaign so hard because he’s going to win” 😂

  13. DonOLD Jeriatric Trump.

    Remember all of the shit he gave Biden, claiming he was hiding?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers.

  14. Not sure it is have to so with energy only, i think him want to keep in his own poket the most campagn money he can !

  15. I think his last appearance was the streaming event with Adin Ross that finally broke his brain when he found who this dude really is. That event was a complete dumpster fire that he found out he was pandering to 12 year old kids who watches a guy sniff chairs of famous people for clout who also knows zero about politics. The icing on the cake was that cringe gift aluminum vehicle held together with Elmer’s glue, not even 10 minutes after Trump was dunking on how crap EVs are. Not to mention this breaks campaign finance laws when you gift something with a high enough value to a candidate (also gave him a watch).

  16. It’s funny how that right wingers not so long ago where all in a tizzy that Biden hasn’t shown himself publicly in over a week (even after he said he was quarantining when he got COVID). Then the made up rumors from the Twitter grifters that Biden was on life support.

  17. That’s a campaigning marathon she is running there. It must get seriously exhausting.

  18. There are a lot of unpaid bills to settle before the Tump campain is welcome again.

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