The burden of proof.

The burden of proof.

Posted by Notyourmotherspenis

  1. Ordinarily, I would think it’s a stupid idea to push a story that doesn’t have evidence.

    But reading posts on the Trump subs in the last two days that are already claiming this election is being stolen, I don’t really care.

    They have mastered the art of living in an evidence-free reality, so they deserve some mockery on the same terms.

  2. AFAIK, he’s never outright publicly *denied* having fucked a couch so there’s no definitive proof that he hasn’t.

  3. I saw it on the internet and a lot of people are saying….a lot of good people…with tears in their eyes

  4. Some people are saying JD Vance fucked a couch. Not me. I’m not saying it. But…eh…others have said it. I don’t know if it is true that JD fucked a couch, personally. But that is the rumor. That others are saying. That he fucked a couch. That’s all I have heard.

  5. Jesus it’s just a joke

    Can’t MAGAts take a joke??

    Why have conservatives cancelled comedy?

  6. the far right is surprised the no men land they helped build also gets them lol

    eat shit, far right! welcome to the wasteland of dead internet!

  7. If we’re going by MAGA rules, the burden of proof lies on the accused, not the accuser. And JD Vance for sure fucked a couch.

  8. Is it not in a book? Don’t right wingers claim the only proof anyone needs is in a book?

  9. The left didn’t make this up out of nowhere.

    Me: Hi, ChatGPT. Have you read the book “Hillbilly Elegy” by J.D. Vance?

    ChatGPT: Yes, I’m familiar with *Hillbilly Elegy* by J.D. Vance. The book is a memoir that explores Vance’s upbringing in a working-class family in the Appalachian region and the challenges faced by communities in that area, particularly related to poverty, addiction, and cultural decline. The book gained significant attention for its insights into the struggles of the white working class in America, and it became especially relevant during discussions of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

    Have you read it, or are you considering reading it?

    Me: It’s become politically relevant as of late. Is there a story in that book about someone having sex with a couch?

    ChatGPT: Yes, there is a brief and rather notorious anecdote in *Hillbilly Elegy* that refers to a young man being caught in the act of having sex with a couch. J.D. Vance shares this story as part of his broader discussion of the chaotic and troubled environment in which he grew up, highlighting the extreme behaviors and dysfunctional situations he witnessed in his community.

    This anecdote, while shocking and memorable, is used by Vance to illustrate the desperation and lack of guidance that can pervade communities struggling with deep-rooted social and economic problems. The book delves into many such incidents to paint a broader picture of the challenges facing the white working class in Appalachia.

    Me: Is that young man referenced in the book actually Vance himself?

    ChatGPT: No, the young man involved in the incident with the couch is not J.D. Vance himself. In *Hillbilly Elegy*, Vance recounts various stories from his community to illustrate the broader cultural and social issues he discusses, but this particular story does not involve him directly. It serves more as an example of the extreme behavior and dysfunction he observed growing up, rather than a personal experience. Vance’s memoir is filled with anecdotes from his life and those around him to highlight the struggles and sometimes bizarre circumstances in the Appalachian region.

    Me: What is the date of your data set?

    ChatGPT: My knowledge is current as of August 2023. This means I have information and context up until that time. However, I do not have real-time updates or access to information beyond that date unless I use the browsing tool for specific queries.

  10. People are saying… I hear… I’ve been reading about… someone should look into that..

  11. The funniest part of this whole thing to me is how much the Right amped up his book for the past few years. There’s even a movie based on it. Then, the couch rumor came into being and it’s revealed that nearly no one has actually read it.

  12. I knew from the start that it’s a freakin joke. But since Vance is so unlikable, lacking charisma, oozing with “i’m a freak” aura, weirdo, it seems the couch fucker tag is not too farfetched.

  13. If there is something that pisses off these people is laughing at them. Just keep doing it.

  14. If it isn’t true, why won’t he simply deny it? I’m just asking questions.

  15. Did the couch consent? That’s what I want to know. Otherwise he’s a couch rapist, and that would certainly upset the right, they are very much against r… oh nvm

  16. It also is helped by the fact that the AP fact check stating he never said he has fucked a couch was retracted because they “can’t confirm he has never fucked a couch” (paraphrased).

  17. I think he said something weird in his book that started the rumour. I don’t really care though. The GOP under Trump is a party of lying thugs. We don’t owe them ‘truth’ or politeness or anything like that, since they repudiate that sort of thing and threaten to kill everyone if they lose. They can all go screw.

  18. Yeah, the only proof is that he wrote a book, where *someone else* fucked a couch. You know, to illustrate how weird his childhood was, and that adolescence can do some weird things. The tone kinda seems to imply that *we all* fucked a couch, or did weird things during sexual development.

    And it’s because of that, that need to try and build empathy in the weirdest fucking way, that we say Vance fucked a couch. It’s probably true, he was probably the kid in the story, and it’s not *that* weird of a thing for a kid to do. But, to a group of repressed, delusional, sycophants? It’s too much.

    So, JD Vance fucked a couch. End stop.

  19. The thing is I don’t think anyone really believes it’s true, and of he’d laughed it off it probably would have blown over, but it pisses him and his supporters off *so much* that it just keeps perpetuating.

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