Are you listening J. D?

Are you listening J. D?

Posted by h20poIo

  1. Don’t worry like the failed insurrection..

    Republicans are too incompetent for that..

  2. I still can’t believe I watched that happen in real time. Surreal that we just let that movement continue full steam ahead

  3. They would set fire to him tied to a couch of sorts, I don’t think they’d try to hang him this time.

  4. April Ludgates calendar I see…


  5. It’s true. If Trump loses Vance is totally going to get thrown under the bus, because of course Trump is never going to take any responsibility for his own failures.

  6. satire account but he would totally say that, and I hope he keeps saying stuff like that so people keep realizing how fucking creepy and weird republicans are.

  7. “They said you was hung!”

    “They were *right*”

    Cleavon Little was a gem, gone way too soon

  8. My GOD this guy is addicted to taking Ws. It is INSANE how many bangers he has been spitting since Tuesday. It’s been TWO FUCKING DAYS and he’s on an absolute tear.

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