Under the Southern Gaze • desk russie

Ukrainians, whether they like it or not, are perceived by “southerners” as a part of the “Global North”. They’re included and this makes their position in southerners’ eyes fundamentally different, essentially incomparable with their own: https://desk-russie.info/2024/07/30/under-the-southern-gaze.html

Under the Southern Gaze • desk russie
byu/desk-russie ingeopolitics

Posted by desk-russie

1 comment
  1. Ukrainians, whether they like it or not, are perceived by “southerners” as a part of the “Global North”. They’re included and this makes their position in southerners’ eyes fundamentally different, essentially incomparable with their own. By Mykola Ryabchuk for Desk Russie English

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