When I was at school Pluto was still a planet.

by johnsmithoncemore

  1. Ah, the good old days when Pluto was part of the planet gang! Poor Pluto got demoted, but it’s still a planet in my heart.

  2. Climate change doesn’t exist. Yeh we even had someone come in to talk about it in geography.

  3. I before E except after C. There are more exceptions than there are words that prove the rule.

  4. When my granddad was at school, Pluto wasn’t a planet either. I have his book from 1928 that shows there are only 8 planets in our solar system.

  5. My teacher told me that because mars was a desert, it was hot. The whole class took it as fact.

  6. “They won’t let you go to the toilet at work”

    Edit: (outside of breaks, which for me were usually 2 hours apart with each lesson being said 2 hours long. Most teachers were lenient since 2 hours is a long time. Officially they weren’t supposed to be though and some indeed weren’t, case and point the teacher who told me this.)

    Edit 2: Didn’t realize this would get so big. I can feel the little kid who wet himself or had diarrhea… Um incidents… because of these rules, within me tasting that sweet sweet justice.

  7. The… Like…. “Taste zones” of the tongue where they brainwashed me into thinking only one part of my tongue could taste sweetness, saltiness etc.

    Total bullshit. Cheers for that.

  8. 1492…I argued in 5th grade with a teacher about the vikings landing in north America. She said it didn’t happen and I was dumb. Screw you Ms Ward. Screw you.

  9. “Hard work makes you successful”

    No, it, in fact, does not. Being really good at your job puts you in a cage as the company “can not afford to replace you”

  10. That knights were almost completely immobile in their armour, and had to mount their horses with the help of a crane.

  11. Not exactly from the school, but they used to say Panda is not a bear, more like a racoon or something.

  12. That my record of achievement was the holy grail for employers and I’d be jobless if I didn’t look after it hahaha!

  13. “Women aren’t allowed to play football or rugby.”

    I’m not kidding. I was stuck in fucking netball and field hockey and it SUCKED.

  14. “you won’t have laptops at work, so you shouldn’t use them in classroom.”
    cue to me being sat in the IT office as a technician using computers literally every hour of the day.

  15. Five senses

    Five types of taste buds

    Only recently has the theory of a meteor killing the dinosaurs been widespread

  16. That my grades mattered when I was looking for a job.

    I recently applied for a few jobs, couldn’t remember my grades from gcse/ a-level, and then I realised.

    It didn’t matter. Nobody was going to check.

    I made up some good looking grades and then went on to mention my actually relevant degree. 2 months in to the role now

  17. Nearly everything I was taught in school quickly became outdated.

    – “Homosexual people aren’t normal humans at all”
    – “If you don’t get good GCSE’S you will be homeless”
    – “If you don’t get a degree you will be working as a Rubbish Man”

    My high school was shit and my teachers were uninterested in their jobs. But when I left and tried different sources, I had a sudden interest in learning. I quickly learned about life, work, history, different skills, and etc. I forgot nearly 90% of the shit I was told because most of it was either bollocks or turned outdated.

  18. Science can’t explain how bees can fly. Perfectly well understood for quite some time, and probably already was while I was school.

    Also “I before E, except after C” it exactly disproven, but it’s always been nonsense.

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