Woman dies for her King. Said King forgets her existence.

Woman dies for her King. Said King forgets her existence.

Posted by Kylo_Renly

  1. And these morons will still line up shoulder to greasy shoulder for this pompous ass as their Messiah.

    He doesn’t give a FUCK about anyone other than himself, yet his throng of cultists think he will save them. The dark cloud his political career has wrought will be worse to rinse out of our social fabric than Reaganomics.

  2. When he said that in the recent interview he said it right after saying “a woman got shot in the face.” There’s no connection between thoughts with that guy.

  3. The cop that was beaten with the American flag died of his injuries later in the week. So, I guess he doesn’t count.

  4. Play the stupidest game, win the stupidest prize. You almost feel bad for someone like her being so brainwashed

  5. Yeah she died but it was a traitor’s death and she doesn’t deserve to be remembered.

  6. There is something seriously wrong with people who think that trump is a good choice to be president.

    Please vote 💙 

  7. I’m sure he’s already forgotten the fireman who died during his assassination attempt too.

    The only person Trump thinks about is himself.

  8. She was a traitor to the United States and she needs to be remembered on that account.

    But there are hundreds of thousands of families, with sons and daughters reeling with what is going to be the realization that their God King is in fact a scam artist, but right at the moment, these fellow citizens are a body of risk that still stand as a present threat to the Republic and need to be challenged and removed from public service or where-ever they hold influence if we mean to preserve our nation.

    Perhaps one fine day we might well be able to listen to what Lincoln called “the better angels of our nature” but that’s not the task in front of us right now, now it’s taking a cold , hard look at the fact that while Donald Trump might feel defeated in the moment, he and his very powerful associates have done harm to the electoral process and there are still DOZENS of unprosecuted Senators, Congressmen and others who acted seditiously against their oath as public servants.

    It’s very important we remember exactly who those people are, who supported them, and demand they be held to account for their concerted and continued crimes against our Republic.

  9. Wasn’t he praising the terrorist all along and calling on action to be taken or some shit against the secret service they shot and killed her?

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