Trump’s Press Conference Leaves Many Onlookers Aghast: ‘Are we watching a mental breakdown in real time?’

Trump’s Press Conference Leaves Many Onlookers Aghast: ‘Are we watching a mental breakdown in real time?’

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. Watch [video clip here]( 📺

    As per [original article]( 📰:

    – Former President Donald Trump held a press conference at his Mar-a-Lago country club on Thursday — and many viewers expressed shock at what they saw.

    “Are we watching a mental breakdown in real time? What is going on,” asked Chris Evans, a business owner and influencer with more than 250,000 followers on X.

    The organization Republicans Against Trump agreed with Evans, posting that Trump was “imploding on live TV.”

    “Trump’s primary policy plank appears to be running on a Great Depression,” observed national security expert Marcy Wheeler. “BREAKING: Trump admits he lost. Sort of. And people can’t buy bacon.”

    She urged the New York Times to report such a headline.

    Former Trump communications director Anthony Scaramucci observed, “Trump is frightened.”

    Former Republican and Bulwark columnist Tim Miller posted, “I gotta say once again I am just blown away by the work @LaCivitaC has done to bring discipline to this campaign. I didn’t think it was possible. But this Uncle Rico as an aggrieved ranting grandpa routine is pitch perfect. Laser focus on victory. Impressive.”

    “Oh my god, he is so rattled by Vice President Harris. The man is melting down over her crowd sizes,” wrote writer and progressive activist Charlotte Clymer.

    Georgia law professor Antony Michael Kreis caught a Trump comment in which he said that Georgia was the same as Alabama and South Carolina.

    “His statement reveals that he doesn’t see the Atlanta metro area’s voters as legitimate, which he never has, because it is a center of Black political power in the South — a dynamic in Georgia that is fundamentally different than ‘big margin’ states of Alabama and South Carolina,” he remarked.


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  2. Donald Trump’s cognitive decline is manifestly evident in his increasingly erratic and incoherent public statements. This situation highlights a grave moral failing by his family. Allowing him to continue campaigning instead of seeking professional dementia care is deeply unethical. They have a clear responsibility to prioritize his well-being and dignity, rather than enabling his political ambitions. This disregard for his condition and personal health raises serious ethical concerns about placing political interests above the well-being of a vulnerable individual.

  3. This is propaganda – Trump has ***always*** been this stupid, the only thing that’s changed is that after years of vapid sycophantic crowds eating up the shit he spews he’s forgotten how to think without speaking out loud as he simply hasn’t had to.

    Now that he’s faced with an opponent against which he can’t just yell “OLD!” he’s instead shouting what he actually thinks, though “think” is probably not the correct word for it.

  4. This guy is a fucking psychopath. He stood up there for 2 hours just shitting on America

  5. We should chant this about Trump at the next Harris/Walz rally.

    Get him help! Get him help! Get him help!

    He sure needs it.

  6. Yes, you *are* watching a mental breakdown, and it turns out that Trump is an incompetent, narcissistic, America-hating asshole, just like we’ve been saying all along.

  7. Someone gave him a shovel by suggesting this and he just keeps digging the hole deeper. What a disaster.

  8. Yes. We are. And it’s Spectacular. I’m just waiting to see him start crying on camera. then I’ll die of laughter.

  9. There are things in his head that he will take to his grave. He’s still bouncing off the walls about the fact that he’s not getting credit for crowd size that he fabricates in his mental illness brain. He says that 47,000 people attended a recent rally…fact check, the venue holds 9,000 max…he claims he had 100,000
    people at a rally and the video and screen shots disproves that. He says 1,000,000 people showed up at his rally on Jan 6th… the Capitol police department says no…he’s clearly mentally unstable.

  10. This guy is so incomprehensibly stupid. He gets lost in his own voice and can’t sort his thoughts. It’s really sad. If my grandpa started talking like this we would put him in assisted care.

  11. His primary attack on Biden was “he’s too old” has come back to bite him in the ass.

  12. Not surprising. Older folks tend to be at their sharpest around 7 am.

    This event was held at the ungodly hour of 2 pm, which is when sundowning typically starts happening to those in cognitive decline.

    Narcissistic collapse only exacerbates the delusions.

  13. Pretty Much. I can imagine this is how Hitler was acting during his breakdown. Megalomaniac’s breakdowns look real cray-cray.

  14. I was out of town trying to see the cliff notes. Seriously this is a man having a mental breakdown who seriously does have dementia. Also if you look at his movements at times, he was afraid of not looking “in charge” when he spoke.

  15. Instead of deporting 20 million people, why not just build a wall? Better yet, make Mexico pay for it.

    Seriously though, does anyone still believe this guy will do anything if he gets elected besides line the pockets of him and his billionaire buddies.

    He will do nothing about immigration, health care, or anything else meaningful for the average American. His biggest accomplishments of his first term were tax breaks for corporations and getting rid of abortion at the national level.

  16. Literally yes.

    He compared himself to MLK Jr. and said that even though MLK had 1,000,000 people for his “I Have a Dream” Speech (which Trump couldn’t even remember the name of – he called it his “Great Speech”), and even though Trump had 25,000 people, Trump’s crowd was actually bigger.


  17. Mental breakdown? Dude has flat out dementia and it’s getting worse the more stress he’s under. He really should step down and let a younger person take the reins.

  18. All he does is talk about himself and all the accomplishments that he didn’t do. He’s a very pathetic man.

  19. We are! 🙂 smiley faces all around for everyone, I say.

    What’s great about this?

    Trump will NOT EVER let anyone take over, he won’t pass any torches, he won’t even entertain the very idea that ANYONE, BUT him could EVER do the things he does. As such…

    Republicans: do you guys realize, yet, that you’re stuck with the **ONLY** senior citizen left in the race between Dems and Republicans? Do you guys realize, yet, that when you made your dumb bluff about age AND WE AGREED….that your own hubris, your own weaknesses and your own horrifically troubled trajectory then came to be front-and-center where absolutely everyone see’s the corner you painted yourselves into?

    Wanna know a **WAY EASIER WAY** of getting attention and **NOT** having to make excuses?

    **Exile Trump or at the very least, get him to bow out like WE did with Biden.**

    **Because NOW it looks to US that y’all are unprepared, not ready, put ALL your eggs into the Biden basket and then….hilariously (dumbfoundingly) got upset when Biden DROPPED OUT.**

    **Like BRO y’all SAID he should and so he finally fucking DOES and now it’s “waaaah WAAAAAH unfair! I’m a huge fucking baby!!!”**

    I can’t wait to kick their asses this November at the voting booth. Know what I have at the ready for Republicans when we DO win?

    “I don’t know WHY you keep INSISTING that Kamala won. YOU said Trump could NOT lose, that it was IMPOSSIBLE, that MORE everyday people like him as opposed to the competition. YOU said Trump “speaks for normal America”. YOU said Trump NEVER FAILS. YOU said, you said, you said, you said, you said and you said. So NOW **you get to listen**. This whole shit here with you thinking Kamala won? That’s (drum roll) **FAKE FUCKING NEWS my friend. Y’all said Trump was GUARANTEED to win so yaknow what? HE MUST HAVE”.**

    Payback is a fucking bitch. This has been brewing now for YEARS

  20. I remember 2015 my ‘friends’ said he would not be that bad. Eat shit Bradford.

  21. I can’t wait till he’s locked up for every last day of his miserable life. The day we don’t have to hear him speak again is the day america wins.

  22. I hope Kamala messes with him so bad at the debate that he has a stroke live on TV and keels over dead.

  23. He knows that this is it for him, the fat Elvis phase of his “political career”. The next time this disgusting, deviant, welfare mooching pedophile can run it will be in 2028 and his party will be wheeling him out comatose because it’s all the cultists that overtook the GOP will accept from here on out

  24. It wasn’t a mental breakdown at all. He was relaxed, poised, confident, coherent. He recognized people, understood their questions, and gave answers that responded to the questions.

    But nearly every answer was a lie, a damned lie, or a damned fucking lie.

    He didn’t have an episode or an off day; he showed us once again who he is.

    If we elect him again, we deserve what we get.

  25. Super low energy because he knows he’s getting his ass handed to him. Same old shit lies same old name calling like he’s in grade school. Zero plan for anything let alone anything productive.

  26. No campaign manager worth their weight would have approved of this presser. Not one. Much like his appearance at the Black Journalists Conference, this was a HORRIBLE idea. He’s surrounded by sycophants who don’t have the spine to tell him that these appearances are basically campaign suicide, which is perfectly fine by me.

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