SHOCK POLL: Majority Of Voters Say Trump Is ‘Too Old’ To Be President –

SHOCK POLL: Majority Of Voters Say Trump Is ‘Too Old’ To Be President –

SHOCK POLL: Majority Of Voters Say Trump Is ‘Too Old’ To Be President

Posted by knowledge_infinityx

  1. i think this feeling is going to increase.

    The only thing masking his age was Biden’s age.

    Now the split screen with Harris makes him look like a slightly crazy elderly man.

  2. When biden messed up the debate I was like “oh my god why do it this early” but now I think whoever made that call deserves a raise.

    Who would have thought that all biden had to do was drop out for trump to basically self destruct because they can’t just yell “sleepy joe” and even the dems had to admit he is old.

  3. Listen up, because this ain’t your average tea party chit-chat. When someone of advanced years throws their hat into the presidential ring, there’s a whole slew of concerns that come marching in like British troops at dawn. First off, let’s talk stamina. Running a nation ain’t like running the local bingo night; it’s a relentless grind that demands both mental sharpness and physical endurance. You start to wonder if this seasoned candidate’s gonna have the energy to keep pace with the breakneck speed of global politics without needing a midday nap.

    Then there’s the matter of cognitive agility. Sure, wisdom comes with age, but so do forgetfulness and slower reaction times. In the heat of a crisis, we can’t afford a leader who’s stuck reminiscing about the good ol’ days instead of making split-second decisions that could mean life or death. The electorate starts to question: is this candidate still quick on their feet, or are they one step away from needing a teleprompter just to remember what they had for breakfast?

    Let’s not overlook the longevity factor. The presidency is a four-year gig with a possible encore. Folks are rightly concerned about the health risks. What happens if the Grim Reaper comes knocking before the term’s up? Now we’ve got ourselves a constitutional crisis, not to mention the unsettling prospect of an unprepared successor.

    Finally, there’s the vibe check with the youth. A candidate from a different era might not exactly vibe with the younger generation, who are more interested in TikTok than the moon landing. There’s a real fear that an elderly president could be out of touch with the issues that matter most to the up-and-coming generation, and that ain’t good for the future of the republic.

    So yeah, the concerns are real, and they’re not just hot air. Running for president when you’re long in the tooth comes with a heap of baggage, and the American people have every right to scrutinize whether the candidate can carry that load without dropping it halfway down Pennsylvania Avenue.

  4. It’s not a crime to get old. It’s not a sin to get old. However…..when one is an old criminal and sinner without repent for either, that deserves noting. 🙂

  5. Let me guess who the genius was to make Biden’s age a MAGA talking point… Was it the orange guy who is within 3 years of Biden’s age ?

  6. If by SHOCK POLL you mean “surprised pikachu face”, yeah.

    When there’s no other food around, leopards eat the faces of other leopards.

    In retrospect, this should have been quite predictable when Biden stepped down.

    First because he set an example by doing so. Second because his age was so firmly called into the spotlight when he was running.

    Now the criteria has been identified and used as a major attack point, it’s entrenched.

    And that means it applies to anyone remaining in the race.

  7. You see, he actually won a primary against others. Unlike Democrats who coronate a candidate in undemocratic fashion.

  8. Nobody I know says that. What they are saying is why would democrats go with Kamala, makes no sense.

  9. Imagine being a democrat and pretending like not hosting formal primaries is a good idea. Let’s not forget the 18 year olds who took on the worlds biggest powers over a 2% tax and now .87 of every dollar gets chewed up by the state and federal government

  10. And yet some of those voters who might be saying that might still be voting for him.

  11. It has to make many wonder if age has caught up to his brain.

    He is still running around telling everyone he won the election 4 years ago and wants to be a dictator on day one???

  12. He’s 5 years older than the average male death age and lives off uppers, fast food and hate. He’s not long for this world. Voting for him is voting for his VP to be president.

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