89 days to go

89 days to go

Posted by ryanmulford

  1. Taryn Manning loves Trump

    (and licking married men’s buttholes… according to her social media posts/videos she had to take down after a few days, when the cops were called to do a welfare check on her)

  2. We should be so lucky but, unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll have heard the last of him if he loses the election.

  3. You think that giant flaming bag of dogshit is gonna shut up and go away if he loses? You’re a lot more optimistic than I am. Trump is gonna continue to be a giant, noisy, obnoxious fucking asshole until the cheeseberders and fishy delites finally claim him.

  4. Like when he was banned from Twitter and truth social didn’t yet exist. Ya man; it was heaven.

  5. He has a right to defend himself in court against the prosecutors. After that, yes, shut up and go away.

  6. He promised to go away last time. Of all his lies, that was the one I wanted to believe most.

  7. Actually, I can’t wait to listen to him bitch and moan, knowing there’s nothing else he can do to us.

    Powerless Donald Trump screaming into the void has got me feeling like JD Vance locked in an IKEA after-hours.

  8. The media can’t help themselves. They will give him free airtime from now on because bat shit crazy is always a good ratings driver

  9. lol..orange is the new black..   and it seems black wants nothing to do with the shit gibon

  10. He won’t shut up until he’s either dead, or in prison. And by dead, I mean of old age… relax.

  11. You are high on Crack cocaine if you think it’s going to end on election day. There will be no electors from like 30 states and it will go to SCOTUS. And they’re a bunch of rapture ready psychos. Election day is just the beginning of part 7 of the Russian destruction of America saga. Buckle up buttercup.

  12. Hah, naw. The cult will immediately start printing Trump 2028 signs and the GOP will be have a tough time not nominating him again. The GOP will have an 82 year old candidate. It’ll be aweful (LOL).

    Theyll have to find another VP who’s last name ends in “nce”.

  13. Dude literally promised we’d never hear from him again if Biden won…another lie!

  14. Ugh I want this to be true but I think he’s got a crazy pull with people and while a lot of people may not want to admit to voting for him, they’ll do another thing behind closed doors

  15. He’ll lose and bitch about election fraud until he is found guilty on the charges still awaiting trials and sentenced to serve time behind bars

  16. That creepy old perv is going to shut up the day he stops breathing and not before.

  17. His MAGA minions and kids are next. They’ll bang his victim drum until they can’t grift or get votes on his name. They have a grip on the GOP cash and that won’t loosen, it’s gunna get tighter.

    If republicans want to keep playing personality politics, the Trump legacy is just beginning. And the grift will continue until they’re all dead or dead broke.

  18. You’re gonna hear his bullshit until the day he stops taking breaths. But that day is coming and lord help us, we will all be there to drink and dance the night away.

  19. You really think it ends in 89 days? When he loses, he will go into overdrive about the “stolen election” and then he will talk about all of his trials next year.

  20. He will never stop talking.. and his kids, we will have to listen to trumps forever

  21. We will be hearing words of Trump’s bullshit for at least another decade, possibly decades.

    Even if he dies, do you really think the cult he has accumulated will just……stop being how they are? We may not hear Trump’s name nearly as often, but we will he his bullshit words for a very long time.

  22. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you’ve already won just because Kamala/Walz are currently in the spotlight. The GOP will be gerrymandering, voter intimidating and using every dirty trick in the book at ground level to make sure they get their way.

    Get out and vote in November.

  23. Lol that’s cute. Assuming he loses, he’s still gonna be making noise. Whether he’s in jail, Florida or Russia, we’re gonna keep hearing him. Oh, but what about when he dies you ask. His voice will be silenced, but his cult will still sing the same songs they have been singing. Don’t think that just because Kamala becomes president, if she’s elected, will change things. Just remember what happened when Biden won.

  24. He won’t shut up until he loses the ability to talk. Hopefully he will still be alive at that point, hearing all the jokes and all the comments of what a weird loser he is and not be able to say a f’n word about it

  25. He’s got people in the right places that refuse to certify the election for anyone but him.

  26. Can’t wait! But let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks just yet. GET OUT AND VOTE!

  27. If he loses in November, there is no way that documents trial of his in Florida doesn’t get fast tracked with a new judge.
    It’s the most open and shut of all the cases against him, and there is little chance he doesn’t go to jail. After that, I am hoping I never have to hear that dumb sunuvabitch flappin’ his fuckin’ gums ever again.
    I thought he was a paste eating dunce prior to 2015 and that opinion has only been reinforced since that time.

  28. The day I no longer have any chance of that worthless Cheetos face jackass being able to talk to anyone is a day I will actually take my introverted ass and throw a fucking party

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