Number of stripped medals for doping at the Olympics by country 1968-2022

Posted by HKeseReal

  1. fun fact: 3 of the 4 of Spain’s stripped medals are from the same guy. A German who got Spanish nationality went on tto win 3 golds in endurance skiing and was caught dopping just some days after.

  2. For the soviet bloc countries, it would be interesting to know how much has happened in recent years vs under the soviet influence. 

  3. Surprising for China given 23 of their athletes were caught doping just last year:

    _Just months after the 2024 World Championships in swimming, a Times investigation revealed that 23 Chinese swimmers from the Tokyo Olympics in 2021 had tested positive for a banned substance, trimetazidine (TMZ), at a training camp months before the Olympics. Chinese anti-doping officials determined that the positive findings resulted from contamination of food the swimmers ate and did not sanction or suspend any of the athletes._

    Do you know how much anabolic steroids would need to be present in your food to spike your levels noticeably? Quite a lot apparently.

    [One article among many easily found on the subject](

  4. We need this adjusted for the numbers of medals won. And It’s a bit dodgy to put former USSR member countries separate as they were probably following the same processes decided centrally in Moscow.

  5. (Not so) Fun Fact: Of the top 10 most “winning-est” Olympic countries – that is the countries with the most total medals – every single one of them has had an athlete caught doping. The top country to have never been found guilty of doping is Australia* in 11th place overall.

    Kind of a bummer when you think about it. Almost every country that has had modest success at the Olympics has been caught doping to do it at some point in their history.

    **Australia has had one athlete excluded from the games on a doping charge (for excessive levels of caffeine during an event). He was retrospectively cleared when it turned out the initial test was inaccurate, and his levels were in line with drinking a coffee the morning of the event, however he had already been excluded from the event and stripped of his medal hopes (he was coming first in the pentathalon with two events to go).*

  6. Every athlete used something at some point or another.
    Only few countries have state funded programs for doping.

  7. We see everyone trying to get medal by cheating
    And there’s china that just cheat to win, no hesitation.

  8. How is Germany not there? I’m assuming the Soviet Russian athletes count towards the Russia number & East Germany had an insane amount of state sponsored doping.

  9. USA with 8. ..haha. If testing of US athletes in 1984 Olympics was allowed, this alone wouldve tripled this figure.

  10. I can’t tell who is actually doping the most. This just means Russia can’t cover it up.

  11. Even though the USA is one of the highest on the list, I’d be interested in seeing a graphic of the proportion of medals stripped, or the proportion of athletes who have doped, as the US has a lot more of both compared to other countries.

  12. So USA is actually doing more drugs than China? I would’ve thought China is the bad guys with all the reddit comments on every China athlete post

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