Do you suppose he means it this time?

Do you suppose he means it this time?

Posted by kathmandogdu

  1. Promises made promises kept! That was his re-election motto! He has election signs that i say i’ll be back! When did he leave?? I must have missed that day

  2. Not so fast, Agent Orange. You’ve still got some unfinished business with the Department of Justice and state Attorney Generals to settle first.

    Your pal Vlad can wait. He has other *formerly* useful idiots to defenestrate first.

  3. I’m sure Putin will take him in Russia as long as he keeps pitting Americans against one another.

    I still wonder exactly what Vlad has on him…

  4. If he doesn’t win, he needs to run away to avoid going to jail, and I’ll put good money it’s Russia.

  5. Oh c’mon, everybody knows that’s not what he meant. Right ?

    Like yes ok he said it, but like, like, oh you guys don’t get it. He’s trolling and you fell for it.

  6. This is easy to say about a man who is not a candidate for President! Trump could say…… “If Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wins the Presidential election, I am moving out of the country.” because she is also NOT a candidate.


  7. Actually this time with all the legal stuff he might leave as soon as he loses Pennsylvania. Preferably to a county without an extradition treaty with the USA.

  8. leave to where, donOLD?

    mother russia got a bad case of unsafe windows. oil princes lands are waaaaay to expensive for a cash poor guy like you. europe is not a country. you aren´t king of england.


    or just bunker down in sea-or-lake, queen dildo style, walking around like a ghost and wating for the day the fbi come knock at his door?

  9. And both sides erupt in cheers, then realize they’re applauding him for completely different reasons…

  10. It would be hilarious if he tried to leave and no country wanted him as an illegal immigrant. Haha.

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