Are his takes on politics the only thing worse than his stand up? I’m just asking questions.

Are his takes on politics the only thing worse than his stand up? I’m just asking questions.

Posted by deep-_-thoughts

  1. Yeah I’d totally take advice from a guy who’s taken too many kicks to the head and hawks brain pills.

  2. They guy who gave himself mercury poisoning and brain worms throwing a roadkill bear in the back of his car because he wanted to eat it, before remembering he already had a full schedule including flying out of town, so leaving it in his car at the airport would be a bad idea, so better play a joke on NYC and dump it in Central Park in a staged bike accident…. makes sense to Rogan?

    Bunch of weirdos.

  3. RFK Jr co-published a book about deaths caused by Covid vaccines. In that book he used an anecdote about a young boy who died while playing football. That boys parents came out stressing that [he died from preexisting medical conditions](, it was a nightmare to relive everything, and to take him out of the book (some copies are still sold with the boys picture on the cover)

    RFK is a lying, conspiracy theorist, pedo sympathizer, weirdo and Joe is a moron

  4. I saw poll results yesterday that showed RFK Jr. getting 6% of the vote. And I wondered out loud who these people were. Like, I think it’s horrible to support Trump, but I understand why people who share his values would do so.

    But later in the day, I scrolled right passed Joe Rogan’s endorsement, and it all clicked into place. They’re contrarian morons who find Trump too divisive. So, I guess good for them for realizing how toxic Trump is I guess.

  5. This is the very definition of “stand up”. He stood up there on stage, this is true. But he didn’t tell a single joke, so it is just “stand up” and not “stand up comedy”.

  6. Progressives, you can only vote once in November. But you can go right now to Netflix and give thumbs down to Joe rogan’s new stand up special. If you think thumbs down is unfair, just watch a few minutes of that trash and you will agree with the thumbs down. I used to be a fan of this clown before he got political. Now I just wait for his inevitable implosion and I gleefully delight in his misfortune.

    TLDR fuck you Joe Rogan

  7. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🙈 He just admitted he’s a scarecrow in disguise!

  8. Atleast he’s not voting for trump. This might take some undecided voters away from him.

  9. Best thing to happen to the dems. Joe goiong RFK will pull his mindless automatons that listen to him to vote for RFK and will help Harris.

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