Tampon Tim: Here to stop the Red Wave

I do not have a talent for generating memes my friends. The above was literally my first attempt and it’s mediocre at best. I heard the joke on a podcast and laughed so hard. I love the idea of leaning into it.

All you meme lords out there, take this idea and go forth and multiply. Show me the best you got down in the comments!

Posted by The_Real_Mongoose

  1. It’s an amusing reversal of the right-wing meme, but it’s too crass to be broadly funny.

  2. I heard it first as a comment here on Reddit several days ago. Like the day after he was announced as VP pick. I credit THAT random Redittor as the author, and salute him/her!

  3. Makes sense! MAGA has been raging like they have PMS for the last ten years.

  4. A lot of people here incapable of realizing this is a leftist meme. And a good one at that!

  5. I look forward to 8 years of Harris/Walz saving our democracy.

    That’s all I ask of them.

  6. A lot of White Republicans are mad because they thought Tampons were the epitome of a racist cigar and tried smoking them and yet they want to tell women how to handle their health issues.

  7. On top of being weird, they suck at comedy. “Timpon” was right there and they drop the ball again and do “Tampon Tim” instead? That’s the only part of this I find offensive. Do better conservatives.

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