why is Ukraine invading me i thought we had a I will bomb you if i invade you diplomacy??? what do i do help!!

why is Ukraine invading me i thought we had a I will bomb you if i invade you diplomacy??? what do i do help!!

by jnano_toaster_balls

  1. Looks like theres a nice road there from Kursk straight down to Belgorod.

    I wonder if we’ll see Russia making truck barricades along it soon?

  2. Just like a bully, you hit back and they stand there dazed and confused. Ever since World War 2 ruzzia has told itself success stories, tried to forget about Afghanistan, and convinced itself it was a global power when it was just a prison culture from the 1700s cosplaying a modern society.

  3. The emptiness of the Russian people is pretty terrifying. When we invade innocent countries, (ugh we all know we have) I’m taking it to the streets, I will not be quiet or cosign their bullshit. Are they that beat down? Are they that scared? Are they just assholes with a total disregard for humanity?

  4. Meanwhile in Minsk:
    Lukashenko urges all CIS countries to stick together so that Russia “does not collapse”.

    The day before, the self-proclaimed president of Belarus said that
    if “Russia collapses,” then “all other CIS countries will go down” as well.

    dialog ua, focus ua, donpress
    google news with
    Лукашенко СНГ

  5. russia’s modus operandi has been using bluff and grandstanding to make others believe they are strong and not to be messed with. This is how it has got away with outright crimes in the past, as others are too afraid to seek justice. It’s the way of the bully. For a long time since the Chechen Wars, no one dared speak up, until Ukraine stood up and fought back. The world owes Ukraine our support for hitting back at the bully.

  6. If tanks artillery air defense systems or even air planes could be attained tht would probably be optimal.

  7. The russians entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them.

  8. This is a bold plan, Mr White. Russia needs to get troops there fast. Where from, which front will they weaken to do it? They were completely blindsided. Slava

  9. Feckin A. I knew Ukrainians could hold their own. BADASSES seems to be a small word to describe these men and women. I remember the videos of the lady’s shredding soap and mixing fuel. Making homemade cocktails for the ruskies. Said to myself…this ain’t gonna be the walk in the park you Orcs expect. I’m glad they are taking the fight to the feckers.

  10. I would suggest you be respectful and compliant with your liberators, they have saved you from a Fascist, Ugligach regime , true liberators.

    All will be Ukraine …even Kursk

  11. Saw a great joke online that I modified very slightly

    Putin croaks and goes to hell. He is let out for a day for good behavior. He goes to a bar in Moscow. He gets a drink and asks the bartender:

    P: Is Crimea still ours?

    BT: Why, yes!

    P: What about Donetsk, Luhansk…

    BT: Absolutely. They are ours!

    Putin finishes his drink, satisfied of his legacy, and asks the bartender how much he owes.

    BT: 50 Hrynvia, please.

  12. I mean strategically it’s genius, since Ukraine can’t strike back into Russian territory. A logical solution is to make that territory be under Ukraine’s control. God speed, heroes! 💪

  13. Every bomb Russia uses to defend itself is one less bomb it uses in Ukraine. While I am not sure of the long term fallout of this, this is enough justification for me.

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