Russia Air-Drops 500 KG Bombs On Ukrainian Platoon In Kursk; Kyiv ‘Begs U.S. To Allow Use Of…’

The Russian Defense Ministry has released drone footage showing glide bombs hitting Ukrainian forces during their incursion into Russia’s Kursk Region. Defence ministry said it used two FAB-500 bombs targeting Ukraine troops in a patch of woodland. Watch.

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  1. now Russia will take the 500 miles border, and will take more of Ukraine's land on the north. what actually made Russia not know that Ukrainian troops was entering Russian's territory? it was a trap, Russia played along, so Russia can take more land of Ukraine and the 500 miles border.

  2. This was a very dumb move from Ukraine. When Russia pushes them back then they will gain even more Ukrainian territory. Why didn't they focus on pushing Russia back? They're always wanna show off

  3. Always remember it was NATO, with the blessing of the US and UK that expanded eastwards, country by country, even after Russia wared them that this would become an existential threat. Today they are on Russia's doorstep, after doing regime change in Ukraine. Looked the other way while Ukraine murdered over 14000 ethnic Russians in the Donbass. Refused to implement the UN agreed Minsk agreements Seems we in the West desperately want to enjoy a wonderful nuclear winter. War wonderful war. Such a profitable business for the merchants of death. The MIC, the banksters and all the politicians involved that benefit from war, at the expense of the MSM dumbed down ignorant taxpayers. Peace is never an option, only endless wars. Humanity is truly sick. Just the way I see it

  4. the Russian only winning because of their air power , don't forget the Ukraine have a very limited air defence power or should we say it is useless. If they have good air defence power , they will win the war. and. The Russian ground force are not strong and experience compare to the Ukraine.

  5. Yes ; Zelensky is attempting to suck NATO into this conflict. It will be bad news for them and Zelensky. Russians will trap those making an incursion into Their territoy and nothing they do will succeed.

  6. Zelensky is owned by British MI6. He has no choice. This will end badly for US, EU and Russia. Possibly China and India will get dragged in. US hubris and British patsy stupidity once again.

  7. Zelenski knows his days are numbered and wants to show his bravery. Ukraine lost the war and some territories before the war started.

  8. And 348 causalities and proven. Over 200 wounded and over 100 dead. Many say it was NATO! If so then all their NATO equipment destroyed! Lost all except the oil transfer depot that handles the two NATO countries Hungary being one of them! Do you think that maybe Putin dangled the carrot and now Ukraine can destroy that transfer depot however those two NATO countries already threatened Ukraine! Threatened because that transfer point already goes into Ukraine and so what if they have it. They have it already and Hungary is pissed Ukraine played games with it.

    God so many BOTTS here. Understand if we have a war you will pray it is Nuclear! It will be like WW2 on steroids! Did you notice no civilian causalities? Also they could not take the Nuclear power station because heavily guarded. That the equivalent to our FBI and in the amount of 300 Russian Police drove them back with the Glide bombs. How did Russia know so soon? They took out these troops and all Ukraine has is a transfer point for the oil! What a trade off. If so over 348 men dead or maimed and over 100 combat vehicles destroyed! That was a trap and set by Putin.


  9. And 348 causalities and proven. Over 200 wounded and over 100 dead. If NATO as some say then all their NATO equipment destroyed! Men lost! Lost all and got nothing except the oil transfer depot that handles the two NATO countries Hungary being one of them! Do you think that maybe Putin dangled the carrot and now Ukraine can destroy that transfer depot however those two NATO countries already threatened Ukraine! Threatened because that transfer point already goes into Ukraine and so what if they have it. They have it already and Hungary is pissed Ukraine played games with it.

    God so many BOTTS here. Understand if we have a war you will pray it is Nuclear! It will be like WW2 on steroids! Did you notice no civilian causalities? Also they could not take the Nuclear power station because heavily guarded. That the equivalent to our FBI and in the amount of 300 Russian Police drove them back with the Glide bombs. How did Russia know so soon? They took out these troops and all Ukraine has is a transfer point for the oil! What a trade off. If so over 348 men dead or maimed and over 100 combat vehicles destroyed! That was a trap and set by Putin.

    SMOKE AND MIRRORS. If so Putin played them. He blew up those houses with all the NATO inside as there was no threat of civilian Causalities! A fake deserted town and Putin saying here kitty kitty kitty! All the while the wolves were set to play!

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