Stop calling us weird and tell us where you are in your menstrual cycle

Stop calling us weird and tell us where you are in your menstrual cycle

Posted by BeardedCrank

  1. Hard to tell if this is real or AI. Also why do I presume that is just a bucket of mayonnaise that she’ll occasionally dip her maw in like it’s a feed bag.

  2. You can practically smell them if you look close enough, you know that suit definitely smells like a mustard soaked corpse muffin

  3. Let’s remember that these folks are basically the same cos-players from the Tea Party in Obama’s era and their kids. They were searching for a cause to give their lives meaning and found conviction in a convict.

  4. Republicans rejected federal funding for free school lunches programs.

    Is that weird or what?

  5. That guy in the brick wall suit has been at every Trump rally for years.


    How does this fucking dork have income?

  6. Evil Les Claypool, crusty old toad woman, and a chronic incel. The master race ladies and gents!

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