đź’» Russia, if you’re listening…

đź’» Russia, if you’re listening…

Posted by Zardotab

  1. More like “Iran if you’re listening….”

    Bc they’re the ones that are anti-Trump right now. And I’m no fan of Iran but the enemy of my enemy…

  2. You mean the guy whose press secretary’s phone got compromised ***by her own toddler*** didn’t see this coming?

    ***Knock me over with a feather.***

  3. If karma existed Clinton would have been the hacker to expose trumps emails.

  4. So someone “high up” in the trump campaign fell for a phishing email.

    I wonder if this same person was promised a position in the administration if they win. No, no, don’t worry about national security /s

  5. Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if they staged this so they can make an argument for doing this to other people.

  6. BS. Trump leaked this story to the timid journalist cronies (if we can even call them journalists) that were at the BS Mar A Lago press conference that wasn’t a press conference. He’s desperate to break the news cycle and shift the attention away from Harris’s campaign success and trying to stay relevant in this slaughter of a contest. Until the feds are investigating and have acknowledged, I call BS

  7. I want to believe the phishing email was opened by J. D. Vance because the email promised videos of hot barely legal couches.

  8. I know this much – he doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore. There is no reason to believe him or for main stream news to report this as fact until it’s verified.

  9. Voting > hacking


    – **Register.**
    – Check your registration. **Some states have purged voter rolls.**
    – Be sure to **register no fewer than 30 days before the election in which you wish to vote.**
    – **If you have questions contact your state officials.**

  10. What does that even mean for Trump? Your campaign got hacked? What happened? Did a project 28 fall out or something?

  11. Remember: “I spoke with Russia and we are going to work together on Internet security” – Trump, 2017

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