But it’s only supposed to happen to Democrats

But it’s only supposed to happen to Democrats

Posted by ryanjusttalking

  1. When they told him he was hacked by Iran his reply was “that’s cool, I love A Flock of Seagulls”.

  2. The only one claiming that this is foreign actors is the Trump team.

    personally I think it’s Kellyanne Conway.

  3. They should have just offered the Trump campaign money for whatever sensitive material they wanted. He had a bathroom full of stuff for sale.

  4. Trump is desperate for attention, how does anyone know anything yet? He’s making all this up.

  5. Putting this in the Trump decoder means that Trump had foreign hackers, hack the democrats.

  6. When your leader’s password is YOURFIRED! And he gets hacked and doesn’t tell anyone because he’s a malignant narcissist that never does anything wrong.

  7. I have no confidence they were hacked. I am sure it’s being used to cover up something stupid they did!

  8. BS. Trump leaked this story to the timid journalist cronies (if we can even call them journalists) that were at the BS Mar A Lago press conference that wasn’t a press conference. He’s desperate to break the news cycle and shift the attention away from Harris’s campaign success and trying to stay relevant in this slaughter of a contest. Until the feds are investigating and have acknowledged, I call BS

  9. I mean, this is what happens when you tie yourselves so closely to one foreign state that it becomes beneficial for one of their rivals to mess with you to strike at them.

  10. Didn’t it happen before? It was just never leaked by the “impartial” Wikileaks.

  11. You know what’s better than hacking? Voting:


    – **Register.**
    – Check your registration. **Some states have purged voter rolls.**
    – Be sure to **register no fewer than 30 days before the election in which you wish to vote.**
    – **If you have questions contact your state officials.**

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