Donald Trump hurls shocking fat-shaming insults at US senator over the size of his belly… after he was accused of repeatedly branding Kamala a ‘b***h’ in private

'I don't speak badly about somebody's physical disability,' Trump said, possibly noting that Tester lost three fingers on one hand in a meat-grinder accident when he was nine.

'But he's got the biggest stomach I've ever seen,' Trump added. 🤦

Posted by questison

  1. Donald “Lil Dickie” Trump is a weird rapist, pedo, traitor, felon and misogynist. If you see him, shout “Lil Dick Trump” and wiggle your pinkie at him

  2. Shocking? Chris Christie is a terrible human but Trump used to call Chris Christie every fat insult in the book. On national TV. He’s a bully. I’m glad they’re calling it out, but it’s not shocking.

  3. Is he remembering kindergarten or high school third grade? I don’t know fucking loser.

  4. Pot calling the kettle black (Even though the kettle was always of Indian heritage, and the kettle was only promoting Indian heritage, I didn’t know the kettle was black, until a number of years ago, when the kettle happened to turn black, and now the kettle wants to be known as black…..)

  5. Trump sees himself like the MAGA nuts with the flags, posters, painted trucks and vans portraying him as a svelte superhero type with lots of muscles no body fat and a head full of hair, nobody in his entourage wants to tell him he’s a stone throws away from looking like Jabba the Hut.

  6. Well, clearly he avoids mirrors then which explains the bad eye lift, weird make up and cotton candy hair at last.

  7. This is the kind of stuff you’d expect to hear in a school playground. It’s not what you’d expect to hear from someone running for a very important and powerful post in government.
    Trump is a major carbuncle on the face of America……oh lookit! I’m being childish……

  8. How dare he bring up something so traumatic so causally i.e about Tester missing fingers. I can’t believe that anyone wants him as a president or even as an acquaintance. Just fuck this behavior! I’m sick of it!

  9. The guy is a 78 year old, morbidly obese, spray tanned, pants shitting weirdo who spends an inordinate amount of time worrying about other people’s genitals.

  10. Says the guy who said out loud about the vet in the wheelchair “Nobody wants to see that.”

    And when he’s not speaking badly, he’s doing it in mocking gestures.

  11. Trump obviously has never looked in a mirror… he has never looked good and he is aging like milk in the Sun.

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