Trump will just lie his ass off. Here’s the debate we really need to discuss what a Trump presidency would do to America.

Trump will just lie his ass off. Here’s the debate we really need to discuss what a Trump presidency would do to America.

Posted by BestStoogewasLarry

  1. That document is a fucking tragedy, no solutions only vague unsupported statements about the left being evil. The only thing that they wrote in document that I actually think is it Fairpoint is when they said that the budget was too complicated the pass quickly and the process of ratifying a national multitrillion dollar budget at the stroke of midnight to avoid a shut down needs to be changed somehow.

  2. Exactly! The policy has been written. Open it up and see what you are voting for!

  3. grab the popcorn, he’ll humiliate himself big time. he can’t ruffle her feathers, and intelligence

  4. Honestly, I do think it would be valuable for Harris and Walz to televise/stream something like this where they break down exactly how horrible Project 2025 is.

  5. The last 20 seconds of every answer from Kamala needs to mention Project 2025 and how it IS Trump’s blueprint for his second presidency and beyond for America.

  6. Also, Trump would be the oldest president by the end of his term and he is also suffering decline. Does anyone want JD Vance as president?

    It plays into the project 2025 narrative as I am sure Vance was selected as a loyalty running mate.

  7. You really think Trump read a document that’s over 900 pages with no colorful pictures?

    No, one of the issues I have with Trump is that he’s a horrible administrator. One thing we saw during his Presidency was how awful he was at day-to-day operations. What scares me about Project 2025 is that Trump will surround himself with and rely on the people who wrote this manifesto to handle all the minutiae of running a government.

  8. The problem with 2025 is Trump is irrelevant to it. They’ll implement it with any Republican they get into that office. We are gonna have to stay vigilant against that garbage policy the rest of our lives.

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