GOP education candidate urged Trump to suspend Constitution and declare military coup

GOP education candidate urged Trump to suspend Constitution and declare military coup

Posted by Free_Swimming

  1. It’s so disappointing that smart, educated people are into this maga shit. They talk about the left destroying America, but ideas like this really will destroy America. Things aren’t nearly as bad as these crazy fucks are saying they are.

  2. Wow there are Chinese troops in Canada? News to them….they have Trudeau and I guess that’s bad enough.

    She is certifiable.

    Vote people register and vote.

  3. Good thing he doesn’t atm have the power to do that and it’s ou job to see to it that it never happens agian

  4. I wish I could say it’s weird that the GOP wants to keep people dumb and reliant on the government, but I can’t. That’s exactly what these traitors want.

    The should be in jail for 20-24 years.

  5. Isn’t that what harris will do on day one?
    We will be like England where they will arrest people for Facebook and reddit posts the democrats disagree with…

  6. Defunding education does have consequences. Jumping on a sinking ship is not a good idea, poor things.

  7. That’s insurrection calling for the overthrow of the elected government. In another time she’d be tarred and feathered and sent into exile. Those were the good old days.

  8. So, they refuse to call J6 an insurrection but wanted the insurrection act to be put in place.

  9. People really do need to wake up. We lost Row v Wade, and In The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, the United States Constitution is suspended after the military overthrows the government and establishes the Republic of Gilead.

  10. Good luck with that. Military in the US isn’t going to just do whatever some moron says. Part of the enlistment oath is to “defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.” That includes insurrectionist asshats attempting a coup.

  11. There are so many magat placemen and women going to be involved in the election it is going to descend into chaos in November.

  12. He wouldn’t have gotten far. For coup to be effective would have required the military to back him. They would have told him to get fucked.

  13. I don’t know why the GOP think this country demographics is a certain way. Thank God Trump is starting to lose (but we still need to vote like it’s no tomorrow). I know why a lot of conservatives want to destroy America and they have something to do with the changes they don’t like.

  14. Yet another un-American loon. Gosh, there are so many of them in the ***weird*** party populated by weirdos.

  15. This is who MAGA is! This is what they want! They must be destroyed once and for all this November. Clean the fucking house of them! VOTE against this shit people

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