Definitely weird

Definitely weird

Posted by Thrifty_Builder

  1. There had been noise on the socials lately about proof of Weird Donnie committing sexual assaults against children. Are there fact checked sources that we can check out please?

  2. How many creepy photoshoots has this guy done with his daughter? Christ on a cracker it seems like I see a new creepy one every other day.

    Know how many dads do family pictures with their teenage daughter in which they put both of their hands on her hips? One, just Donald.


    Somebody should put together a gallery of all these photos to show just how wrong this guy is.

  3. I know she is a shallow, one dimensional tool, but I cannot wonder what sorta abuse and twisted shit she has experienced, and if she’d be a different person if Trump wasn’t her father. Brainwashed?

    Also, Americans have the right to know what really happened in Saudi Arabia with Jared Kushner and the investment deal

  4. The reason Jeffrey Epstein forced 13 year old Katie Johnson to blow Donald Trump was because she looked like a young Ivanka.

  5. Who knows for sure? Is Barron really a product of trump turkey basting Melania or screwing his own daughter?

  6. And then conservative weirdos tried to push that it’s normal for a father to want to fuck his own daughter.

    No, you disgusting and deplorable weirdos, it is NOT normal.

  7. She needs to point to the part on the teddy bear where her daddy touched her.

  8. Wendy Williams Show 2013: “What’s the favorite thing you have in common with your father?”

    Ivanka answered, “Either real estate or golf”

    while Trump added, “Well, I was going to say sex”

  9. I’ve often wondered if Ivanka would allow her own daughter to be handled, groped and displayed like this. Clearly her own mother didn’t protect her. Is she self-aware of how inappropriate it all was?

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