Kamala uses Trump’s own talking point against him…genius

Kamala uses Trump’s own talking point against him…genius

Posted by FishermanEven4730

  1. I love how she has the option (since she’s operating in reality) to say:

    “Look, if it’s a good idea it’s a good idea. I don’t care who has it. Even if that person happens to be Donald Trump. Under the Harris-Walz administration, we want to hear to all of your ideas. Because we know when we put our heads together, nothing beats American ingenuity.”

  2. “My idea! My idea! You can’t have it! Mine!”

    Toddler Trumpy is mad now.

    He’s also pissed that Maggie Haberman asked for evidence of his “helicopter emergency landing.”

  3. Good! Trump didn’t mean it in the first place. It was just a campaign sound bite for him. With Harris, it will be real policy. Not fake switch-n-bait Trump policy.

  4. Trump: I will declare that all puppies and kittens are cute no matter what!

    Kamala: Same.



  5. Objectively, wouldn’t this make tipping even more prevalent? If I’m an employer and my choice is to pay a fair wage to my employees, but get taxed, or just let them live off tips with no taxes, I would do that

  6. And VP Harris has the actual backing of both the Culinary and Hostess trade unions. Trump has zero union backing.

  7. Ah good. Then we’ll have the billionaire class determine what is considered a “tip.” A few more dollars for the working class, a billion dollar tax loophole for the mega wealthy.

  8. The biggest difference between Trump and Harris is how big the loop hole. My guess is all ceos would get tips instead of bonus if trump implemented it. Kamala will make it so it’s only for service workers.

  9. Republicans are mad because the whole thing was about getting votes, not accomplishing things they actually believe in.

    If Republicans tomorrow said they want universal healthcare, free college, climate bills like plastic bottle bans and battery-free trams/trains etc then I would be ecstatic.

    Because to us, it’s about positive change and to them it’s just about “owning the libs”

  10. Tipping is yet another tax on the consumer. I think it’s good for the worker, but the ultimate solution is to force the employer to pay their workers a fair wage instead of offloading that responsibility on the consumer.

    If anything, no tax on tips further incentivizes the owner to lower wages further

  11. My problem with the pic is big orange isn’t the evil genius tha lector was. He’s more like the dude that jerked it and threw his ejaculate at Clarice when she walked by.

  12. One minute she’s a radical leftist and the next minute she’s stealing all his policies.

  13. Is not taxing tips really a good idea. Won’t it just lead to rich people being paid in tips. Is the definition of a tip well enough established that it can’t be co-opted?

  14. Also, that’s such a huge thing in the tax code and not at all something that should be campaigned on cuz the reality is that’s not an easy presidential swipe of a pen.

  15. The Minimum wage reform I’ve read eliminates the tipped minimum wage. It’s about time!

  16. I’m just going to stop tipping entirely if we start tax-incentivizing tipping. One of the reasons I stopped tipping cash and tip with cards is because I *want* the recipient to pay taxes on their earnings.

  17. I understand why tip culture is hated and a blight on the working class. But instead of sending a point to restaurants by hurting their employees is not the way. Give those that need breaks the most the relief they deserve. If we want to get rid of tip culture we enforce minimum wage hikes and fair wages for workers.

  18. It’s a silly talking point. Not taxing tips will just encourage businesses to compensate less in wages and benefits.

  19. And if its a bad idea, it’s a bad idea no matter who said it. I really hope this doesn’t come to fruition.

  20. can’t wait for all wages to be reclassified as tips but also for income to be fully at the whim of if your employer feels like paying

  21. Why should the taxman get any portion of gratuity. As customers we appreciate the worker’s service and tip them. I don’t want to tip the taxman.

  22. Tips should be taxed; they are income. Further, it has been repeatedly shown that white and conventionally attractive people earn more as servers, so not taxing tips widens income inequality and hinders wealth generation by race and class.

    We should be getting rid of tipping, not further tilting the economic table toward more tipped jobs.

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