GOP Strategist Matt Wylie Says Trump ‘Seems to be Self-Destructing’, as Harris Surges: ‘These Stunts Make Trump Look Weak’

GOP Strategist Matt Wylie Says Trump ‘Seems to be Self-Destructing’, as Harris Surges: ‘These Stunts Make Trump Look Weak’

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. As per [original article]( 📰:

    – Reacting to the surging popularity of Vice President Kamala Harris and a series of unforced errors by Donald Trump, one Republican Party strategist warned it looks like the former president is tanking his chances of being re-elected.

    In a column for the Charlotte Observer, South Carolina-based Matt Wylie wrote that Harris has given the former president every chance to derail her fledgling campaign but he can’t seem to stop himself from following his worst instincts.

    As he explained, “Trump, who sought to regain momentum at a Thursday news conference at Mar-a-Lago, seems to be blowing up his own campaign,” before writing that his waffling on debates with the vice president makes him look like he has lost control of the narrative.

    ingredient to beat Trump: Dem lawmakers

    “Trump’s push to move a previously scheduled debate on ABC and his offer Thursday to debate Harris three times on three different networks seemed like desperate moves by a Trump campaign struggling to regain its footing,” he suggested. “Unlike the July CNN debate, where Trump walked right into a lion’s den and took on Joe Biden, these stunts make Trump look weak and in need of help from a friendly network.”

    Having stated that, he wrote that Trump “seems to be self-destructing” because he’s spending more time making personal attacks on Harris and not talking about issues.

    “Harris has strong momentum and is moving ahead in some polls,” he cautioned. “To stop them, Republicans must talk about issues and highlight their vision for America. In his press conference, Trump returned to discussing safety and security, inflation and high energy costs — critical issues that will resonate with swing-state voters. This is how we win elections.”


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  2. Republicans: “To take control of the narrative, we are here to talk about our vision for America. We are going to let our Lord and Master, Donald Trump, do whatever he wants and likes. We’ll take questions now.”

  3. Which causes a narcissist to overcompensate, to say “I’ll show them! I’ll show them all I’m not weak!” and to perform ever more desperate, weak, and most of all _weird_ stunts.

  4. Trump has always been weak, always. The mainstream media has kept this farce of the Emperor Wears No Clothes, Don’t look At the Man Behind the Curtain baloney going for years. And by some miracle, people are all of a sudden waking up and understanding it doesn’t have to be this way, we don’t have to accept this fate! Get out and Vote!

  5. “To stop them, Republicans must talk about issues and highlight their vision for America.”

    You mean like Project 2025?

  6. The weirdest thing is that you know that he has a few handlers that are saying this to him, but I think he is so sycophantically protected (same as every king that ever went mad), that any change in tact is not offered, nor heard.

  7. The super passive, calm, and orderly way the press has treated Trump makes it very clear that the media has put their ratings above their journalistic integrity. They refuse to hold him accountable whatsoever because they are too scared that they will lose their access. Watching the softball interviews, no follow-up questions or pressure to get any real answers from him…it is absolutely pathetic and shameful. The spineless entertainment media masquerading as journalists have done as much damage to our democracy by giving him a platform to push his agenda with lies, misinformation, and false narratives. It’s mind boggling to see that they don’t seem interested in the idea that the truth should actually matter.

  8. Relatively, would we notice anything that made him look weaker than he already was? Weakest president and candidate the country has ever seen

  9. Don’t forget to mention that “Trump’s Project 2025” would be a massive failure for the rights of people in the USA

  10. DonOLD Trump is playing spitball politics, just trying to make something stick and coming up empty. He’s now the weird old man in the race. Sinking fast.

  11. Trump looks weak because he IS weak. Always has been – it’s just now the cracks and blemishes are really showing.

  12. He’s ALWAYS been weak. It’s that he’s loud and obnoxious enough to mask that somewhat.

  13. ” look at me! Look at me mommy ,am I pretty mommy am I pretty now?” As he frantically smears lipstick across his face.

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