Trumps are genetically weird. Presenting to you – Barron and Melania Trump.

Trumps are genetically weird. Presenting to you – Barron and Melania Trump.

Posted by JulietAlfaTango

  1. The overdone obscene gaudiness of their home should be all you need to understand what kind of people they are

  2. Fucking hell that is the gaudiest room I’ve ever seen. Reminds me of the palace of Versailles- they think it’s opulent but it just looks trashy as fuck.

    Also, where did he get that camera?

    And why is he sitting in her lap?

    Fucking weirdos.

  3. Barron is older now, and he’s an enormous 6’7”. If Donald Trump were the 6’3” he alleges, Barron would have to be in excess of 7’ tall.

  4. Do they make him wear a suit in his own house? Lmao he’s like a parody of Culkin’s Richie Rich

  5. What chode decorated that room?

    Jesus the scale of gaudiness is over 9000!

    Thats not even considering the garbage in the middle of the frame.

  6. Why would anyone photograph the dude photographing his mom? It’s like so many effed up degrees of wrong.

  7. Uhh… most biological relatives don’t stroke each other’s thighs like that. That family makes my skin crawl.

  8. It’s not shocking, Barron’s dad thinks Barron’s sister is the hottest woman on Earth and isn’t exactly quiet about it.

  9. What the F is it with that Caligula den? It’s honestly so foul I would be depressed being surrounded with that faux opulence.

  10. people in here are complaining about the tackieness of their decore?

    Yall, she’s straddling her son so he can take a photo in the POV position

    priority’s pls

  11. This would be weird & gross today, but he was 9 years old when the photo was taken. It was just a mom & son playing around, y’all.

  12. If my mom ever asked me to take a picture of her like that, that position I would have walked away from her and asked her what got into her head. Eww!

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