Is somebody going to tell her?

Is somebody going to tell her?

Posted by earthman34

  1. They said the original was unsinkable before it hit the iceberg.

    Apparently this one is unsinkable after it hit the iceberg and split in two, while both halves slowly tumble down into the murky, icy deeps.

    *Just say **”NO!”** to Trump*

  2. In this analogy who is the person who falls off the stern and loudly bonks on the propeller as they plummet toward a watery grave?

  3. >Please, do what ever else you want. Just don’t sing Lara Trump.

    the response from Celine Dion’s lawyers, probably

  4. There’s a Lara Trump? How many of these fucking roaches are there? This dude is like the Walder Frey of American politics, with a dash of Targaryan incest fantasy.

  5. Can’t wait for Lara’s Auto-Tune version of Celine Dion’s song. She’ll fuck it up as she did with Tom Petty’s “I won’t back down”.

    For a family that loves to secure trademarks and sue on infringement you would need they would understand copyright infringement laws.

  6. Seems to me the Titanic is something you wouldn’t want equated with your whole deal – But you do you.

  7. I can’t tell anymore whether these are real quotes or not, just because everyone in the Trump administration/family is literally so fucking stupid.

  8. “I’ll sing the song myself.”

    One thing I have learned after many years of being stuck at karaoke nights in bars is that there are two songs you never, ever try to sing.

    One is Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You.”

    The other is Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On.”

    Every once in a million, there’s someone who can pull off something like Arnel Pineda did, getting hired to sing with Journey after crushing their songs at Karaoke.

    Lara, you are not that person.

    But please. Upload a version of this song where you sing it yourself live. Without Autotune.

    Please. Do this.

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