Sudan’s Al Jazirah agricultural project faces 72% decline due to conflict

Sudan’s Al Jazirah agricultural project faces 72% decline due to conflict

Posted by thinkB4WeSpeak

  1. The situation in Sudan is very dire. For those who want to help, here are some good/credible charities that you can donate to:

    – [UN – Sudan Humanitarian Fund](

    – [CARE International](

    – [Sudan Relief Fund](

    – [Medicins Sans Frontiers](

    – [Project HOPE](

    – [UNICEF](

    – [Save the Children](

    – [The Zakat Foundation](

    – [The International Rescue Committee](

  2. It really does suck. Those people just can’t get a break. Everytime I stumble across a genuine good idea, like this irrigation project, its because some dickheads are ruining it by fighting for power or some other bullshit. I hope those RSF assholes get pushed back so these people can get their homes back. Agriculture gets looked down upon, but its a genuine and solid way to slowly build up a food base and an industrial base by processing said agriculture into manufactured foods. Its a well known and explored method used by many Soviet satelite states that ultimately brought both industry and jobs to otherwise poor regions. I wish these people all of those things, may they prosper in time.

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