‘His head is exploding’: GOP pollster admits Trump is causing his own downfall in election

‘His head is exploding’: GOP pollster admits Trump is causing his own downfall in election


Posted by _Piss_Tape_Expert_

  1. Trump’s biggest issue is his deeply held belief in his own political genius. He thinks all his instincts are right, so he ignores any advice given to him.

    To change the momentum of this campaign, he will need to ignore his own instincts and do what all the campaign nerds telling him to do.

    The odds of him doing that for the next 80 days? Not good.

  2. He’s also getting some really horrible advice from his advisors, he’s mentally and psychologically incapable of being a good president, and he’s glitching so bad he can’t really campaign anymore so they hide him at Mar-a-Lago expect for one appearance a week and hope that the media won’t cover something as bad as his **22 second black out like what just happened in Montana**.

  3. No hrs nott… you guys gotta stop with your b.s. truth without exsaggerag is good enough. Please stfu.

  4. Trump has never been able to pivot through a crisis. COVID and its direct consequences are the primary reason(s) why he lost in 2020.

    This was entirely predictable, btw. He entered the White House with a CV of six bankruptcies and two divorces.

  5. Does he not have a campaign advisor? Is this just a case of hubris that he thinks if he beats the same drum over and over people are just gonna see the light and vote for him? Is there someone not in the background telling him that if he doesn’t change his tune and maybe focus of policies instead of slinging mud he’s not gonna sway voters his way?

  6. Good, i hope his decision to stay in the race crushes his mind and wellbeing to dust. He’s spent decades of his life destroying others and exploiting them for his own gain. He deserves retribution. I can’t wait to see his children casting him aside under the care of nurses to rot away away from the public eye. He’s had multiple points in his life to turn around and do the right thing and hes always chosen to do the opposite till the end. He deserves the hole he’s dug out for himself

  7. I don’t understand how he has “the issues” on his side. His performance was disastrous on immigration and inflation. He had his chance and sucked royally.

  8. And It’s delicious.

    Staying focused …writing postcards to mail to Independents in swings states.

  9. Vote. Get registered, make sure your friends register, and VOTE!

    The time is overdue to send the R’s packing.


  11. We the People have a very good memory of what happened in 2016, the J6 destruction and lack of regard for which our constitution stands. We will never forgive or forget how horribly Rtump handled COVID.

    Vote Harris/Walz! These are competent politicians and decent people and they will absolutely be the two elected officials in 2025 for Madame President and VP!!

    RTump is the cowardly Lion at this point, VOTE BLUE down the ballot!!

  12. Is that a picture of Diaper Don the Coweirdly Lyin’ from the Wizard of Odz?

    “You’re right, I am a coward! I haven’t any courage at all. I even scare myself. [sobbing] Look at the circles under my eyes. I haven’t slept in weeks!”

  13. Kamala is doing very good, but at the same time Trump has a lot of self-inflicted wounds

  14. In regards to his head exploding, are we talking “firey explosion” style or popping like a blood filled water balloon?

    I *just* wanna know all the details before I buy tickets to watch the show.

  15. even if he gets things on track, the line should be that if he can’t even run a presidential campaign, how is he fit to run the country? I seriously cannot think of a way he could recover from the position he is now without becoming a totally different person

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