Most likely an East European replica, but who knows? Used to have a friend who owned one of these who now lives on Devon. Nigel, is this yours?

by antlered-godi

  1. Theihs yft tf mdke heply,

    Theihs yft tf heasfy why,

    Theihs ‘ut tf df dyd die:

    Iytf the Vdlley ff Dedth

    Rfde the sizh htsydhed?

    I don’t speak a word of Ukrainian and even I can tell that’s all wrong.

    Motorcycle’s nice, I guess, but hey, to the person who owns this—if you’re reading this—if you want to support Ukraine, don’t butcher Cyrillic for an English-language poem. Maybe quote a Ukrainian poet, like Taras Shevchenko, instead? And don’t intermingle Cyrillic letters with Latin ones!

  2. Ok I’m trying to ignore the actual letters:

    Theirs not to make reply

    Theirs not to reason why

    Theirs but to do and die

    Into the valley of death

    Rode the six hundred

  3. This is a bizarre confetti of cultural appropriation. A BMW not old enough, but not far removed from WWII Nazi side-car combos, resplendent with UK flags on the helmet and mud guard, along with a Ukraine flag, a state once part of the Russian empire. There is a weird pseudo-Cyrillic font used to write an English poem about an heroic act from a British military blunder in the Crimean War in 1854, a war between the UK and Russia, likely including soldiers who were from the Ukraine.

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