MAGA has plans to refuse a Harris win: report

MAGA has plans to refuse a Harris win: report

Posted by emeraldbandage

  1. I hope President Harris doesn’t go as easy on Republicans as Joe did. They need to come out of this election cycle being known worldwide as a terrorist organization.

  2. January 6, 2024 – Trump holds a rally in D.C. encouraging his more radical supporters to stop the steal once again. They march toward the Capitol chanting kill Kamala Harris. It is ironic she will be certifying her own election as President.

  3. Then send in the national guard, arrest the election deniers, and count the ballots live on national television.

  4. Doesn’t fucking matter this much time

    National guard will actually be used if they try stupid bullshit again


    PLEASE fuck around and find out again

  5. Biden and Kamala and Intel expected this and hopefully have a plan for the traitors that will dishonor our votes

  6. He had that planned no matter who won!! The prick has been banding his goons for sometime. Good luck with this

  7. Maga has plans for them all to be arrested along with the corpulent seditionist orange turd

  8. This is why she HAS to win by a huge margin.

    The rest of the Republican party, including SCOTUS, needs to know that the pitchforks will be out if they don’t honor the results.

  9. FUCK MAGA TRAITORS. So sick of this. Since 2015 innundated with this bullshit. So over it.

  10. No one cares. They still refuse to accept that their annoying orange lost in 2020. We didn’t care then and we still don’t now. Vote Harris and let the losers know they are still losers.

  11. Here’s what I hope: that there is a team of pro-democracy lawmakers and election law experts are meeting behind the scenes to come up with a plan to counter the MAGA no-certification plan. I hope that plan remains secret so the MAGA forces have no time to respond and the election gets certified anyway.

    Wyatt is their end game? If they succeed in blocking certification, that just means Biden remains president, and he can just resign and Kamala will be come president anyway.

  12. Isn’t it kind of pointless to do that since they can’t install Trump as president either? Biden will stay president until it’s resolved or he resigns and Harris becomes president by default.

  13. Of course they do. They attempted a coup last time, of course they’re going to do it again. I can see violence happening. It won’t be a graceful loss, that’s for sure. My hope is they throw a big enough temper tantrum that they shun themselves from American society for good this time.

  14. Response: invoke the Insurrection Act

    Such a coup can not be allowed to happen. It would be the end of the country if it were permitted. All means necessary must be used to prevent including mass arrests and the use of the military.

  15. I mean… He can refuse all he wants, it’s not like he’s in office. He’s an outsider with no power.

  16. Certification blockers are even worse that fake electors. If they refuse to do their duty to certify the election, remove them (by force if necessary) and replace them with someone who will.

  17. Maga has to cheat to try and win. They’re unpopular, filled with hate and dumb as rocks

  18. So if it’s not certified locally (or certified in favor of Trump), and Congress decides not to certify the local results, then what’s the succession? Biden stays in office? Then he just steps down and we get Kamala anyways.

  19. He’s already planting the seeds. Even during his last disastrous press conference, he said he’s way ahead in PA, MI, WI, etc. When Harris wins these states in the election, Trump will say it’s fraudulent. He did the exact same thing in 2020. I really hope everyone is prepared for this bullshit and has already taken preventative action.

  20. President Biden has complete immunity to ensure that there is no treasonous takeover.

  21. They can file all complaints with the Joint Chiefs and the National Guard. Last time they almost unleashed special forces on the Capitol (under command of the FBI at least that’s what I think “seconded” means). Before they didn’t want the precedent of military going after US civilians but a second time is a pattern and must be smothered to maintain a norm of peaceful transitions.

    Edit: Google delivers! I only heard it as a foot note of an article probably someone divulging something they shouldn’t have. But here’s an article about it: []( I know I know Newsweek just that’s where the original was.

  22. Blah blah blah. I don’t think the prosecutor in her is going to have her rolling over for any BS.

  23. Biden will need to take “official action” to ensure that these insurrectionists do not thwart the voters.

  24. Here is how Michigan handled one county where a MAGA tried to refuse to certify:

    “Two days after the canvassers refused to certify the local vote, the secretary of state’s office sent the Delta County clerk’s office a letter to advise it of the consequences if the vote was not certified.

    “The Constitution and Michigan Election Law do not authorize boards of county canvassers to refuse to certify election results based on claims made by third parties of alleged election irregularities, or a general desire to conduct election investigations,” the letter says. Failure to certify would mean that the clerk would have to personally deliver all records including ballots and voting machines to Michigan state canvassers — all at the county’s own expense. The price tag, the letter adds pointedly, will be “expansive.”

    The letter was signed by Jonathan Brater, director of elections, secretary for the Board of State Canvassers.

    At a swiftly rescheduled follow-up vote Friday evening, the canvassers voted to certify the vote, with three voting in favor and Hakkola abstaining. “

  25. My question is then, why are these particular electors (is that their title?) still allowed to do the job? There should not be a single individual in a position which allows them not to certify the election results! How do these people even get these jobs?!

  26. Well yeah he started on the last election 6 months before by saying if he loses it’s cheating.

  27. Kamala needs to be talking about this every time she gets behind a mic

    The best strategy is to narrate the crime, in real time as it’s happening

    Think of how Biden narrated Putin’s invasion of Ukraine

    We need to combat the lies with truth

  28. “MAga already making plans to subvert/overthrow election results”

    media needs to quit their bullshit and Stop soft peddling what’s going on.

  29. So, another coup attempt? Yeah, this time things are going to be different. We have the same 2nd amendment rights as they do, we’re just not racist asshole sore losers. Trump won and we took it on the chin because that’s what patriots do.

  30. Did it work in 2020???? They are the opposite of God who created this earth etc.

  31. I feel like it’s expected. Trump calls everything he disagrees with a lie. Weird loser.

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