Proving they are weird.

Weird isn't an insult, it's a statement because you're fucking weird! Why do you sexualize the person you hate? Do libs sexualize trump, no, because it's fucking weird!

Posted by Unusual_Variable

  1. Man they are so lost at sea. The moment Dems started to bite back they’re now trolling rudderless.

  2. I’ve met the guy in the meme. Seriously. He used to work in marketing. I always thought of him as a tool. But weird fits a well.

  3. Man….I made this comment a couple of weeks ago about how trump was looking for a way to capitalize on the weird aspect since he grifts so much.

    I mean, his followers all started wearing bandages on their ears for him and owning wearing diapers is not a problem for them. Why would being called weird turn them off? By far the least insulting thing they’ve been called. It just digs at trump for now which is why its effective.

  4. I mean I bet Kamala is kinda flattered (besides being weirded out). Usually 59 year old’s are thought of as being “a grandma” instead there is a half country sexualizing her…

  5. If “weird” isn’t an insult, why do Trump and Vance whine that “we’re not weird, they’re weird” when they get called “weird”?

  6. How original to attack a woman from the sex or slut angle. I think everyone saw that coming. How about you promote your old weird guys policies if he has any.

  7. Oh no! I feel so owned when you imply Kamala likes sex. Please stop wearing clothes with weird photoshop images of her face on inappropriate images!

    It’s not creepy and weird at all!

  8. Cock-for-brains there is probably in a fucking panic since losing all his Brandon cash. So, being naturally dumb as shit and the spawn of a draino drinking go-getter from Arkansas, went for the only thing his cousin could think of and stole it.

    T-shirts that go hard. It’s only a matter of days before we see the punchable face of power inbreeding again, and it’ll be some dumb wit whining about how woke bankrupted and corrupted his wholesome as dog balls business venture.

    If his mom wasn’t already throat deep in his lies I’m sure she’d be as disappointed as her mom was when she got a warm cough syrup and monster energy smoothie.

  9. I wondered how long it would be until they embraced the weird. These are the same people that wore diapers after his NY trail.

  10. Black candidate: he wasn’t born here but this isn’t racist and we don’t hate him just cause he’s black.

    Female candidate: she’s a whore but this isn’t misogyny and we don’t hate her just cause she’s a girl.

    It’s like I can’t tell my GOP brother enough: Idc if you think they’re gonna get gas down to fuckin 50 cents a gallon. I want no part of this whatsoever.

  11. NGL, Kamala looks very interesting in that heels up image. I want to know more about her policies now!

  12. I knew at some point the Right was gonna try to take back “weird”. Own it, laugh at it, and try to grift off of it.

    Problem is, they don’t make weird “cool” – they make it more weird. It’s not funky and eclectic like Portlandia. It’s not like “Keep Austin Weird”. It’s just fucking…weird. And you can’t make that cool again.

  13. Anytime I see Republicans sexualize anything (which they do a lot of that) I take it as an admissions that they’re attracted to whatever it is that they’re sexualizing

  14. Maga men have never satisfied a woman which is why they over sexualize them and no Maga losers, paying women for it doesn’t count and never will. (Sorry Elon)

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