Trump’s latest ‘meltdown’ a ‘profoundly dangerous’ sign of things to come: conservative

Trump’s latest ‘meltdown’ a ‘profoundly dangerous’ sign of things to come: conservative

Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. just keep showing him pics of Kamals crowd drives him nuts that a strong black woman is more popular than his tired old weird nonsense .. time for gramps to retire to a nice prison cell

  2. He’s spreading lies and conspiracy theories to further manipulate his cult followers and have them believe that he is being mistreated and unfairly.
    Same bullshit as he always spews. Setting the stage to claim the 2024 election was stolen. He still believes it was stolen in 2020 . He’s demented and unable to accept the truth.
    He lies about everything, never answers a question with a real and truthful answer .
    Vote Blue all the way.
    Bury these assholes !!

  3. In the year 2024, Trump is a private citizen. This means whatever illegal actions he takes will not be protected by presidential immunity. The scotus cannot save citizen Trump the way it saved president Trump.

    And this distinction makes his plans far more ‘real’ in terms of potential arrest and prison.

  4. Trump is a wackadoodle nutjob. I’m glad he’s batting for the other side. He’s lost my vote.

  5. The mere fact that we have to talk about his *latest* meltdown is yet another sign that he’s not fit for office.

    He’s a weird old perv that doesn’t have the self-control to avoid melting down in public, and so he does it constantly.

  6. Watching him poop his pampers for twenty two seconds in front of God, the universe, and everybody does not intimidate me. Did it intimidate you?

  7. My only hope is that since he’s not the sitting President this time, he won’t get the same screen time to rile people up. Or more people will realize he’s full of crap.

  8. Trump has dementia. Stop the Elder Abuse. Get him help to sort through his mental decline.

  9. FFS the American left is still to the right of a lot of moderates in other countries. 🙄

  10. Insurrection again is his best option, encouraged by his playbook being used successfully in Venezuela.

  11. He’s looking quite different ATM. I dare say actually better. His hair was less orange at that press conference. Maybe a tad thinner.

  12. As soon as Harris wins in a landslide bloodbath, Biden should use his new SCOTUS superpowers to declare Trump to be the active, ongoing National Security threat that he is, and have him detained indefinitely for extensive interrogation, starting with who he sold OUR classified documents to.

    That will keep Trump from guiding whatever post-election schemes he has planned. And when his minions object, scoop them up, too. Make them spend their time and efforts discussing their personal legal strategies with their defense attorneys, instead of committing even more TRE45ON.

  13. The right or at least bad faith actors on the right, are literally generating bad AI images of crowds and spreading them on social media as if they were officially released images from the Harris campaign. This kind of shit is super dangerous.

  14. Ok so basically start watching for Trump using deepfakes to make his crowds appear larger, got it!

  15. Sis, Biden stepped aside. Trump has been exposed to everyone else who didn’t know about him that well. I knew this fool was crazy from the get-go, but some people had to pull back a few onions to get the picture

  16. I was a Republican longer than Trump has been a Republican. I am voting for Harris / Walz.

  17. Dangerous, for who? Trump is going to be buried, forgive the pun, in a landslide.

  18. I just don’t get how his followers actually believe that Don the Con cares one rat shit about them or the country

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