Yeah……lets take the word of people that an image is AI when the same people think this image is real :-)

Yeah……lets take the word of people that an image is AI when the same people think this image is real 🙂

Posted by afarmer2005

  1. The Republicans only want black people to show up for their token photo ops and couldn’t give a shit otherwise. Truly the party of white supremacy.

  2. I have no clue what OP is trying to say, but this is obviously AI.

    * There’s an oddly cut-off finger on the left side of the photo
    * A bizarre shading issue under Trump’s left pinky where the woman’s skin color appears to be altered.
    * The text on the guy’s hat is gibberish.

  3. We know this is an AI generated image because the people standing next to donnie aren’t wincing from the wretched stench emanating from his full diaper.

  4. So is AI just powered by dreams? At first it seems real, but you can never read the words, it seems normal until you realize people have like 6.5 fingers and an extra elbow, and then POOF! The spell is broken and you wake up.

  5. Exactly this. “We’re doing it, so of course the other side is doing it too.” Every accusation is a confession.

  6. Given how gullible these people are, I wonder what I can get them to believe with genai images.

  7. 100 percent fake his lapel pin is the American flag in this picture. It’s usually Russian

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