A second JD Vance college photo has emerged

A second JD Vance college photo has emerged

Posted by Pessimist2020

  1. I’d gamble JD might have been more normal back then when he was free to be himself and not a right wing stooge. I’d love to know how he got from, “trump is hitler” to “childless people deserve less rights”.

  2. It’s actually kind of funny if you consider these photos are being leaked by people he knew and partied with in college. Even they’re like “fuck that douche!”

  3. “Draw me like your daughter you want to date.” JD Vance during his VP “vetting”.

  4. Da Fug is Vance talking about; Draw me like one of your Russian girls??

    Does he mean one of Trump’s 8 year old or 12 year old Russian girls?

  5. Totally supportive of it, but goddamn this dude has some deeply repressed stuff. These photos definitely begin to explain all the eyeliner he uses.

  6. And this isn’t on the top 3 weirdest JD Vance things. Name changes, religion changes, cosplaying like he’s a hillbilly… hell, even the Couchfucking isn’t top 3 weirdest for this weird freak!

  7. This is the hardest of fronts I’d ever seen. The wig is bad too. No wonder JD had to change his name several times.

  8. Guys there’s literally video of trump motorboating Rudy Giuliani in drag for a sketch. Trump is caked in makeup and wears a wig at all times. Vance wears eyeliner. Well all of this is true it won’t deter their diehards. Not like it matters, Harris is going to fucking crush him anyway

  9. So, Trump makes a bad choice of VP, can’t stand “weird”, doesn’t even know what to do with “couch fucker”

    Has himself hacked so he can release kompromat on JD Vance

    Kompromat is the most normal fucking thing we’ve seen out of vance and it makes him more likable.

    We need to ask, is all the kompromat like this?

    Do the russians have half our government under their thumb over shit that most of us don’t see as compromising, but that homophobes and right wingers do?

  10. I bet anything that Wild Horses is playing in the background of that photo.

    “It puts the lotion on, or things gon’a get WEIRD again…”

  11. He’s definitely a hypocrite happy to change his views so he can get the VP spot. But he’s also a millennial. We take weird party photos. Other generations before us didn’t have cameras on the constantly nor the Internet to upload them so you’re always gonna find some crazy shit photos of someone if they are a millennial or younger. . It is what it is. 🤷

  12. You can only, have questions about your sexuality as a younger man, got to Halloween in drag, or wear eye liner daily, but when you do all three, I’m going to think you’ve got some unresolved issues that are only a problem because you seek to deny similarly situated men the rights you enjoy in the closet

  13. How come nobody is talking about the fact that he apparently never quit using the eyeliner from his college drag days? Surely that man’s closet is still full of these wigs (amongst other things)

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