If you are 50 years old today, 75% of all global emissions have been emitted during your lifetime.

If you are 50 years old today, 75% of all global emissions have been emitted during your lifetime.

by eks

  1. Yes, but 99.9% of all plastic has been produced since 1975… emission cutting was cute.

  2. That site is a cesspool for malware and viruses. I highly recommend not going there.

    But to the point of your post. You’re misinterpreting it.

    It’s not 75% of ALL emissions, but that since 1970s, emissions have increased by 75%.

    In other words, if you’re 50 years old today, emissions globally, has increased by 75%.

  3. That is amazing. Watching humanity fail at solving climate crisis has been quite the wakeup call to me.

  4. We’ve experienced both the splendor and the decay of civilization and didn’t even know it. Like the frog slowly boiling on the hotplate.

  5. In my country. The boomers are by far the most polluting demographic. They use their high pensions and high housing prices to travel many times each year by plane and long distance by car. Meanwhile the youngest are the lowest

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