Don Jr. Mocked Tim Walz for Not Kissing His Wife and It Backfired BIG TIME

Don Jr. Mocked Tim Walz for Not Kissing His Wife and It Backfired BIG TIME

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Daddy’s still riding on Epsteins plane and JD Santos is making sexy eyes at his recliner. What a weird family. 

  2. These guys on the right are so dumb. They think things like this will sway voters. It never did. Things like this were just *used as excuses by people who were going to vote for Trump already but didn’t want to admit they were racist, or misogynist, or homophobic.* Nobody *actually* cares about this stuff. 

  3. The trump wing needs to understand if you come after walz you come after actual conservatives.

  4. Us older folks don’t feel the need to slobber on our wives in public.Thats what the teenyboppers do.

  5. Many people are saying Don Jr. only gets to have coke-fueled sex with his girlfriend because his dad did first. The best people.

    EDIT: Apologies for the weirdo below that brought a discussion from a different place to this thread.

  6. He’s just mad if he goes to kiss his own wife she would swallow him up whole with those “lips” of hers

  7. At least Walz’s wife has normal lips. Don Jr’s lady’s lips are Botox’d to hell. Looks like a baboons ass.

  8. Since they found water on mars maybe we can convince the entire Trump family to move there.

  9. Must be so shocking to see the interaction in a normal family. They mock It like they’d never seen it before because in their household between a glorified hooker step-mom, Dad feeling up sis every chance he gets. Jr., between his coked out disjointed rants and appearances on the campaign trail, appearing as a greasy methed out mess, dating a ghoulish stepford Republican vampire clone. It probably looks very strange indeed.

  10. But then again, Junior thinks his father craving sex with his sister is normal behavior.

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