Tell me again who you’d rather have over for Christmas roast

Tell me again who you’d rather have over for Christmas roast

Posted by thebirdisdead

  1. Donald Trump is old, rapey, tired, racist, cowardly, and weird so he’d be like rolling up all the relatives you don’t want to see into one. Tough call, but I’m still not choosing Epstein’s brother from another mother.

  2. The craziest shit is that he says all of this without any hint of satire or jokes or irony or nothing.

    This is the deranged, unhinged, absolute psychopathic behavior of a dangerous individual who if he didn’t have the money or power that he had, we would all be saying he’s a ticking time bomb itching to kill others or perform some type of terroristic plot.

  3. Ah yes! The Republican’s favorite ‘Christian’ president’s deeply meaningful and religious Christmas message!

  4. Yeah, OK. That’s just unhinged. But “happy holiday season” in front of a Christmas tree? Why not just take the extra five minutes to do 5 posts of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza and New Year? It just sounds so construed.

    Of course, I might not see the forest for the trees considering we’re still celebrating it as Yule tide here, complete with home brewed beer and plenty of meats, just like before the king came home with this new fangled Christianity back in the 1200s. He had to keep the “all farmers must brew beer for Yule or forfeit their property” in law to get the religion accepted by the people… and banning pork was certainly right out.

  5. If I can pause my hatred of trump and my disdain for everything he represents for 1 second,

    “May they rot in hell. Merry Christmas!” Is hilarious. Demented and desperate, yes. But laughable.

    Okay, back to normal.

  6. I think Trump’s favorite part about truth social is the removal of the character limit.

  7. The Second Gentleman Doug is Jewish and has more Christmas spirit than Scrooge McTrump ever will.

  8. Trump’s message isn’t exactly giving the warm feeling of the season. Is HE the one trying to destroy Christmas?

  9. I’ll never in my life understand how someone could see all this shit and not get how horrible of a person he is

    They weren’t raised right

  10. Christ he’s even seething in anger and losing it on Christmas day, this man is not ok

    I bet he didn’t get a gift he wanted and it triggered a whole tantrum like when I was a kid and got Pokemon Blue instead of Red lol

    Except he’s an “adult” wanting to be president

  11. Lispy has the best insults. The very best. People come up to him and say, Sir, that’s the best insult I ever heard.

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