Nothing says, “I can relate to working Americans,” like diamond cufflinks for a phone interview

Nothing says, “I can relate to working Americans,” like diamond cufflinks for a phone interview

Posted by rhino910

  1. If they were diamond, they would have been a gift from some donor which Trump then sold and replaced with cubic zirconia as everything about him is a fraud.

  2. Oh shit so it wasn’t even a podcast type interview just a phone? Lol he must be exhausted, no campaigning. Only phone interviews and “talk at people“ press conferences.

  3. Don’t worry. Trump can show off his wealth because he earned every last dime he made with his own two hands.

  4. Don’t worry. Trump can show off his wealth because he earned every last dime he made with his own two hands.

  5. Megachurch leaders openly brag about their jets and cars despite the bible preaching that it’s practically impossible for rich people to enter Heaven.

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