Trump Tells Elon Musk All About His Plan to Flee if He Loses Election – Hello, probation officer?

Trump Tells Elon Musk All About His Plan to Flee if He Loses Election – Hello, probation officer?

Posted by Quirkie

  1. Tanya Chutkin should immediately revoke his bail! Put him in jail until his trial!

  2. It’d be great if he has to wear a tracking ankle bracelet when he debates the future president!

  3. I would love to see him in prison but I wouldn’t be the one to stand in his way if he wants to run and hide. Hide very, very, very well.

  4. It just goes to show how out of touch he is with reality . His dementia. When was the last time you’ve ever heard a DUMB criminal publicly say I am gonna run. His followers baffle me. They’d have better luck electing a down syndrome candidate. They all seem to know the difference between right and wrong. Hard workers. Kind. Empathetic. Honest.

  5. He will never “lose” the election. He “won” the last election. He makes this promise knowing he wont need to follow through.

    In his own deluded mind, he always has the biggest crowds, the most votes, and always wins.

  6. That’s funny isn’t that where all the Nazis went 2 after ww2 following on his parent and grandparents footsteps

  7. Donald Trump fits all the checkboxes for a flight risk.

    resources, access, motivation, and even expressly spoken intent in public, live recorded.

  8. *Donald Trump told Elon Musk during their livestreamed conversation on X Monday night that if the election goes poorly, “we’ll meet the next time in Venezuela because it will be a far safer place to meet than our country.”*

    Um yeah – it’s called CONVICTED FELON JAILTIME

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