Donald Trump at risk of losing Florida, poll suggests

Donald Trump at risk of losing Florida, poll suggests

Posted by Quirkie

  1. I live in ultra MAGA red FL. Have a Kamala magnet on my car. Fork em. There are more decent people here than idiots and we are done with the hate, anger, rhetoric

  2. Turns out senior citizens might not appreciate social security being gutted…

    And servers kinda like not paying tax on tips… So they’ll vote for a candidate with an actual history of pro-labor action…

  3. Those of you who live in Florida and don’t like Trump: Florida is game over if he loses there.

  4. Even in the deepest of red Florida panhandle republicans are getting turned off by the Desantis/Trump culture war stuff.

  5. He’s at risk of losing his mind, that interview last night on X was wild. He gets weirder and weirder every hour.

  6. Don’t believe any of this. Screw these damn polls every five seconds.

    Go vote. It’s the only thing that counts.

  7. He should lose every single state. There is no reason he should be polling over 2% in this country. The fact that he is even a threat speaks volumes to the state of our country.

  8. Florida is a very expensive market to campaign in for presidential elections. I just heard that the RNC is stopping its spend in Ohio to focus on other areas. I can’t help but think that Trump is sucking up all the available money and it is hurting individual states campaigns. If it gets close enough that the GOP has to pour money into Florida to defend it, I’m not sure where that money is going to come from.

  9. Hope a lot of those retirees in Florida have read project 2025 and realize their social security Medicaid and Medicare are about to be stripped away from them if the Republicans win the presidency

  10. I want this fuck to lose in the worst way and if it has to be a nail biter so be it.

    But I RELISH the thought of him getting his clock cleaned and losing RED states all over the place in a crushing blowout.

    That would make me very happy.

  11. Dems should go on TV there, in addition to the national ads. Florida plus base states, Nevada and ONE other swing state is an electoral killshot regardless of the rest of them. 

  12. As a Floridian I can say the number of maga propaganda is way down from what it was in 2020

  13. Even in a poll that tends to lean left, his lead is 47 to 42, which is basically in the “safe” category.

    Fla is no longer a swing state.

  14. I mean the fact that Florida’s Supreme Court put weed and abortion on the ballot in November surely helps all of this. (It is to enshrine in their constitution)

  15. lol…. Nate Silver has already come out saying she’s down 2 points in Michigan and if she lose Michigan, her chance of winning is Sub 10%. But Florida is in play is the funniest poll I’ve seen yet

  16. It would be nice if he drags DeSantis down with him. Get ready for every dirty trick known to be used .

  17. That would be surprising (but funny), NY has been sending FL all it’s old people and/or angry conservatives for a while now. Figured that woulda tilted the scales red more.

  18. All the rhetoric I’ve been seeing on my feed of how polls are shifting blue has a very 2016 feel to it. Can we please just shut up

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