Trump in recent Elon interview: “I want to close up the Department of Education”

Trump in recent Elon interview: “I want to close up the Department of Education”

Posted by agoodsolidthrowaway

  1. Because the Republican party has been saying for decades and decades now they want to shut down all public schools and replace them with for profit religious Evangelical schools.

    It makes people like Betsy DeVos rich, and it indoctrinates everyone into prosperity gospel and conservatism, while crippling social mobility for the poor. It’s all win for them.

  2. He said he wanted to move it back to the states and that some states might fail at education. I wonder which states those would be?

  3. They don’t want educated people that can stand against them. They want a brainwashed slave class.

  4. Can’t have the masses learning critical thinking skills. That would lead to catastrophic consequences, such as people understanding that Project 2025/ Agenda 47 is terrible for the working class.

  5. This here is enough for me to not vote for him. Oh yeah, he is also the worst possible candidate that has ever existed. The f*cking worst.

  6. My guess is that conservative animosity towards public education comes down to three things:

    1. Educated people are harder to manipulate
    2. Eliminating public education would/should reduce taxes (or justify bigger tax cuts)
    3. There’s a lot of money to be made in private education, especially if it’s the only option

  7. Republicans need an uneducated public to remain relevant. The education differences between democrats and republicans is not a coincidence.

  8. He wants to privatize it to make more billionaires happy.

    It’s the end goal of all of this, taking our tax money and putting it into the pockets of oligarchs that we depend on for education, health care, food, and water, etc, all unregulated, obviously.

    They break the government, say it doesn’t work, then privatize.

    Remember what Trump attempted to do to the Post Office? He didn’t succeed, but he sure did try to ruin it.

  9. Same reason he appointed Betsy DeVos to the US Secretary of Education despite her have zero education credentials other than support charter schools and the school voucher system.


    # Legal issues

    According to DeVos’s 2018 financial disclosure form certified by the [Office of Government Ethics]( on December 3, 2018,[^([131])]( she had not divested from twenty-four assets required under her signed ethics agreement[^([132])]( nearly 22 months after being confirmed in February 2017.[^([133])](

    In May 2019, the Education Department inspector general released a report concluding that DeVos had used personal email accounts to conduct government business and that she did not properly preserve these emails.[^([134])](

    In September 2020, it was reported that the [Office of the Special Counsel]( had investigated DeVos over potential violations of the [Hatch Act]( after she appeared on Fox News during the 2020 election campaign, where she attacked Democratic Party presidential nominee [Joe Biden]( After her television appearance, the Department of Education promoted her Fox News interview.[^([135])](

  10. I’ll assume OP is sincere in their question. The reason is to make America as dumb and uneducated as possible.

    The less educated are easier to control.

  11. Because he’s following the fascism playbook word for word. Uneducated people are far easier to con.

  12. Cause stupid people are easier to manipulate. Just look at his base. Dumber than a bag of rocks.

  13. So only those in power are educated. Turns out the uneducated are incredibly easy to control.

  14. Reagan’s secretary of education told him we were in real danger of having an educated proletariat, so they put plans in place to reverse that. It’s really that simple.

  15. Because people won’t vote for conservatives if they are given access to critical thinking skills.

  16. I actually understand a lot of gripes with DOE, but I have no doubt Trump and the cronies want to tear it down completely and institute a Hitler Youth group type curriculum.


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