Trump’s extreme weight loss due to the Harris/Walz campaign constantly eating his lunch these last three weeks.

Trump’s extreme weight loss due to the Harris/Walz campaign constantly eating his lunch these last three weeks.

Posted by Nukemarine

  1. Credit to @TheLV_ for their Nov 14th, 2020 twitter post of this image.

    Edit: There are way too many comments complaining about the obviously fake image being fake, and maybe a few comments that disturbingly seem to believe it’s real. My joke was the title about Harris eating Trump’s lunch. I just looked for a “skinny Trump” photo to add for the humor. It in no way is meant to make people believe that tub of shit was capable of enough self restraint to lose weight.

  2. # *NOT REAL

    We’ll see this Trump if he makes it to 2028 (he’s probably already preparing the campaign)

  3. Looks like the Old Man from Robocop and Orville Reddenbocker had a baby that they also neglected as a young child, much like Trump.

  4. Not likely.. he has one of those McDonald’s “Bearer eats Free” cards… You know, absolute cheapskate.

    (Warren Buffet has one, too)

  5. This is what he were told look like if he had to fend for himself for two weeks.

    Can you imagine this doofus trying to navigate a grocery store?

  6. So, You Cannot Give Me A Legal Offense About This: Then, Give Them All Life In Prison:

  7. Okay, So Give Me A Legal Loss In Court About Sleeping Around With Women, Then Said 9-11 Dispatcher Calls:

  8. ‘Even more inept Barney Fife’ is where my brain first went so I’m going to stick with it.

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