British Museum admits to breaking UK law after 2,000 artefacts went missing

British Museum admits to breaking UK law after 2,000 artefacts went missing

Posted by cyberpunk6066

  1. HOW does one loose 2000 artifacts? Even if its small stuff like jewelry, thats atleast a truck full of jewelry. Anything bigger and you are looking at several trucks worth of ancient artifacts. Surely, this must be something organized, someone must be making mad cash for this to occur for long enough to loose 2000 artifacts.

  2. “but the artifacts would be destroyed by war if it weren’t for the British museum”

    Also, were they not content with just stealing shit from other countries? They had to break their own laws too?

  3. …? How does an institution fail this badly? It’s the British Museum, that thing’s the butt of almost every museum joke, but “… expert antiquarians had warned the British Museum that items which matched those in its collection were appearing for sale on eBay… these warnings were ignored.” That’s just a little insane to ignore.

  4. Thieves broke the law? Shocking

    On a more serious note, one of their arguments has been that the artefacts are safer in this museum than they would be if returned to the rightful people. This weakens that argument now, doesn’t it?

  5. Well I assume that since the only reason they had to keep it there was to keep it safe and it’s not anymore they’re now going to give everything back. Otherwise they’d be just pieces of sh*t no?

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