Musk/Trump interview flops

The predictions of millions watching was simply not true and no one wants to hear these guys jack off each other

Posted by leadrhythm1978

  1. 1,3 million I guess was the total
    More than I expected

    Musk and Trump finally began their conversation at 8:41 p.m. ET. The number of listeners in the Space quickly climbed beyond 1 million. The more than two-hour conversation had no additional disruptions and maintained well over a million listeners, at one point reaching a high of 1,324,994.
    Elon Musk’s Livestream Interviā€¦

  2. Even though it flopped, it was successful in a very major area. It was on Social Media, and he got over a million listeners for 2 hours.
    That’s huge.
    Maybe Kamala should think about doing something like that on Fabebook or other Social Media.
    Remember when Obama ran, he used a lot of modern technology to reach voters, and people loved it.

    It also attracts the younger crowd for her.

  3. Waddlin’ Don never has anything of note or merit to say. It’s the insult comedy, airing of grievances, bitching about “fake news” (read: news he dislikes), conspiracy theories, and the insane, made-up anecdotes he uses at literally every speech and every rally. Cretins like Elon sit there enraptured, like they’re soaking in the great man’s wisdom and knowledge, but it’s all bullshit, as the ample-rumped feeb isn’t actually saying anything at all, as usual.

    For example, if you asked him what he planned to do to alleviate inflation, he’d mindlessly jabber about China or tariffs, then he’d go off on a tangent about the price of bacon, then make up a moronic lie about some fictional “average Joe” who spoke to him about how they can’t afford to feed their kids bacon in the morning, and how Crazy Kamala wants to force everyone to become a vegetarian, and so forth and so on. It’s all gassy nonsense, and it always has been.

  4. The same old fear mongering droning we’ve been hearing for the past like 6 years, but this time he sounded like an old man that didn’t put his dentures in correctly and low energy.

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