Fox Host (and Monkey Impersonator) Greg Gutfeld Actually Said This

Fox Host (and Monkey Impersonator) Greg Gutfeld Actually Said This

Posted by aLinearPalomino

  1. Fox has commentators and presenters that know no shame. I always feel like they have been sent there with an assignment, you know – like those games we played where you can’t say “no” or “uh”? Like, defend the indefensible no matter what? And they are very good at it. It’s a very professional routine. They don’t bat an eye. But surely, they can’t really mean it, right?

  2. He could easily have elected to remove the bone spurs and then qualified for service, but he didn’t.

  3. And Trump had the worse case ever. Not only were they utterly debilitating, they would shift from foot to foot over time. Unpredictable. It’s a wonder the poor man endured.

  4. Yes! It’s a miracle of biblical proportions her can walk the back nine all these years…. amen…..

  5. I hate these people more than anyone but I happened to be watching this clip on a Jessica fan account on TikTok and he held that face for a few seconds but then smiled and started to laugh a bit—pretty sure he was joking. Even these people can’t keep their head in the sand all the time…

  6. My mom deals with bone spurs. They are so painful for her that every step she takes is painful. She is 59. If Draft-Dodger Donald had bone spurs all those years ago, never had them removed and didn’t continue this process when more developed, he would be not have been able to walk even remotely by the time he was my mom’s age. Now he’s what…73? Still walking? No bone spur surgeries that he has ever spoken about it or suggested he ever had?

    Yeah, in case we weren’t all well aware before that he is full of horse shit, this knowledge should be enough to drive the point home.

  7. I’ll never understand why Dems don’t make a bigger issue out of this. Demand to see medical documentation, raise it in every debate, repeatedly demand that reporters ask him about it, etc.

  8. I’ve watched a lot of Gutfeld recently to assess the angle on Harris.

    Oh man, is he struggling. The Five generally have their winge and the Jessica Tarlov spits some facts and they all scream over her. It’s frustrating but rewarding in that she is crushes them with facts.

    The alcoholic judge screeching is unbearable though.

  9. Very serious when you Are using it to falsfy medical deferment. I understand though, Donnie has a very long history of being unable to be truthful about anything.

  10. This guy is such a shit weasel. I don’t know his name and am glad not to because he’s not worth remembering. 

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